shop_backend - is backend side for online store.
NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Express, JWT, Sequelize, Jest, Supertest
POST /api/registration/ Register on site
POST /api/login/ Login to site
POST /api/updateUser Update user fields
GET /api/auth/ Check user status
GET /api/type/items/ Get a list of all types
POST /api/type/create/ Create a new type
GET /api/type/items/[type_id]/ Get a specific type
PUT /api/type/items/[type_id]/ Update a type
DELETE /api/type/items/[type_id]/ Delete a type
GET /api/brand/items/ Get a list of all brands
POST /api/brand/create/ Create a new brand
GET /api/brand/items/[brand_id] Get a specific brand
PUT /api/brand/items/[brand_id] Update a brand
DELETE /api/brand/items/[brand_id] Delete a brand
GET /api/product/items/ Get a list of all products
POST /api/product/create/ Create a new product
GET /api/productct/items/[product_id] Get a specific product
PUT /api/product/items/[product_id] Update a product
DELETE /api/product/items/[product_id] Delete a product
Cart Product
GET /api/cart_product/cart_id/items/ Get a list of all cart products
POST /api/cart_product/cart_id/create Create a new cart product
GET /api/cart_product/cart_id/items/[cart_product_id] Get a specific cart product
DELETE /api/cart_product/cart_id/items/[cart_product_id] Delete a cart product
GET /api/rating/items/[productId] Get all rating for product
GET /api/rating/item/[productId] Get own rating for product
POST /api/rating/items/[productId] Create rating for product
DELETE /api/rating/items/[productId] Delete own rating for product
PUT /api/rating/item/[productId] Update own rating for product
- PORT - port for application
- POSTGRES_NAME - database name
- POSTGRES_USER - database user
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD - database password
- POSTGRES_HOST - database host
- POSTGRES_PORT - database port
- SECRET_KEY - secret key for json web token
- IMAGE_PATH - path to image for test suites [use - ./image.jpg]
# install dependencies:
$ npm install
# run in development mode:
$ npm run dev
# run in production mode:
$ npm run start
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
# Before start run the tests please switch the database name in .env file
$ npm install --dev
$ npm test