Replacing and upgrading the art of Kerbal Space Program
The goal of this project is to improve the art of Kerbal Space Program with the following goals in mind
- Create a unity of design and style for all parts
- Preserve the general aesthetic of KSP
- Create consistency in the detail level of all parts
- Do not affect gameplay or part balance
We believe that there are a number of places where KSP is missing key parts - for example, where a stack class is missing parts that exist in other classes. Restock+ aims to create parts that fill this niche, and is a wholly optional project.
- Chris Adderley (Nertea)
- Beale
- Andrew Cassidy
- Passinglurker
If you want to contribute, contact us.
- readme.txt
- changelog.txt
- license.txt
- GameData
- ReStock
- Assets: all model and texture files
- FX: new effects
- Localization: new localization data
- Patches: ModuleManager patches to enable art replacements
- ReStockPlus
- Assets: all models and texture files
- Parts: config files for new parts
- Patches: ModuleManager patches that change stock parts
- ReStock
Assets: author source files
- Author: A folder per author
- license.txt (license your source files!)
- whatever asset file structure you want
- Author: A folder per author
Suffix is like -n for normal map, -e for emissive, etc