Authentication System

The system have:

  • Client-side validation & error handling
  • Server-side validation & error handling
  • Email confirmation
  • Password hashing

Tech stack:


How to run in local environment

  • Download and install MongoDB
  • Navigate to server(Node) directory

cd backend

  • Install all dependencies

npm install

  • Create .env file with env variables
    • PORT= port number
    • EMAIL='your email'
    • EMAIL_PASSWORD='your email password'
    • DB_URI='mongodb://localhost:27017/auth-system'
    • SECRET='secretWord'
    • SALT_ROUNDS=10 / for bcrypt hashing
    • COOKIE_NAME='cookieName'
  • Run the server

npm start

  • Navigate to client(React) directory

cd frontend

  • Install all dependencies

npm install

  • Run the application

npm start