
:cookie: Fat and opinionated cookiecutter template for building async Web Apps powered by Aiohttp, SQLAlchemy and Swagger

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Fat and opinionated cookiecutter template for building async Web Apps powered by Aiohttp, SQLAlchemy and Swagger.

Check out the Features section below for a short description of what this box packs for you. The Code Examples section showcases a code example of an async API using an SQLAlchemy Base Model.

If you want to see a working example web app generated using this cookiecutter-template, then please head over to /examples directory.



  • SQLALchemy Support:
    • asyncio-compatible: use async/await to execute db queries
    • Request-scoped DB Sessions
    • Executor-based queries execution
    • Managed transactional support via contextmanager interface
  • Swagger Support:
    • Separate Swagger YAML file
    • Auto-generation of Swagger UI
    • Docs served at: /api/v1.0/docs
    • Swagger JSON Schema served at: /api/v1.0/docs/swagger.json
  • Development Server:
    • make dev-server starts an Aiohttp Dev Server (file-watch enabled)
  • Docker Support:
    • Dockerfile: configurable arguments for DB Access
    • docker-compose.yml: Spins up PostgreSQL for development
    • make docker-build: to build the image
    • make docker-run: to run the image
    • make docker-build-run: a shorthand for two of the above
  • Independent Test Env:
    • make install-dev creates a separate virtualenv with all dev requirements
    • make pytest runs the tests/ package from the testing virtualenv
    • make coverage runs test coverage analysis from the testing virtualenv
    • make test runs make install-dev and then make pyest
  • Configuration Management:
    • Ini-filed based configuration, see: config/default.conf
    • Support configuration via .env file
  • Management CLI:
    • make install to create a virtualenv and install the project
    • make test to run the tests
    • make clean to remove cached and built artifacts
    • make help to display more awesome commands
    • make dev-upgrade-deps upgrades all high-level dependencies
  • Python packaging:
    • Auto-generated setup.py with project info
    • make package builds a distributable wheel of the project
  • Docs:


  • Python 3.6+ (tested with Python 3.8)
  • Aiohttp
  • Aiohttp-Swagger
  • Psycopg2
  • SQLAlchemy
  • UVLoop
  • uJSON

Quick Start

First, grab cookiecutter if you don't have it and start the generation process:

$ pip install cookiecutter
$ cookiecutter https://github.com/aalhour/cookiecutter-aiohttp-sqlalchemy

Either run everything with Docker and Docker-compose, which will also spin-up a PostgreSQL side-car instance, as follows:

$ docker-compose up

Or, go the manual way and install everything locally via the Makefile:

$ make install

Once installed manually, copy the config file template over to ~/.config/<your-app-name>.conf. It is important that the file name matches the application name you entered in the cookiecutter generation process:

$ cp config/example.conf ~/.config/<your-app-name>.conf

Next thing is, you need to customize your config file and enter your database details under the [db] section, please follow the config file:

$ cat ~/.config/<your-app-name>.conf

host = localhost
port = 5432
name = <database_name>
schema = <schema_name>
user = <database_user>

Lastly, start the application using the Pythonic entry point:

$ venv/bin/run_<your-app-name>

Code Examples

The following is an example API code that tries to query the database using an SQLAlchemy Declarative Model:

class UsersApi:
    async def get_user_by_id(self, request):
        GET /api/v1.0/users/<id>
        user_id = request.match_info.get('id')
        async with transactional_session() as db:
            # `User` is an SQLAlchemy declarative class
            user = await User.get_by_id(user_id, db)
            return self.json_response(user.serialized)
class User(db.BaseModel):
    Data model for the User database table.
    __tablename__ = 'user'

    id = Column(INTEGER, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

    def __init__(self, id_=None, name=None):
        self.id = id_

    async def get_by_id(cls, id_: int, session: Session) -> "User":
        Get user by ID from the database
        :param id_: User ID
        :param session: Database session object
        :return: User instance if user exists; otherwise, None
        # Run the SQLAlchemy session.query(Example).get() function in the background
        return await run_async(session.query(cls).get, (id_,))

The template comes with pre-packaged asyncio utility functions and classes to aid querying the database via SQLALchemy declarative models in the background, the above mentioned transactional_session context-manager, run_async function and db.BaseModel class will be generated for you as part of the cookiecutter template.

If you want to see a working example web app generated using this cookiecutter-template, then please head over to /examples directory.