This is comprehensive Go library to interact with TeamCity 2017.2 API server. This client is generated via go-swagger tool, using official swagger spec, provided by TeamCity server.
package main
import (
teamcityclient ""
httptransport ""
func main() {
tcURL, err := url.Parse("")
if err != nil {
runtime := httptransport.New(tcURL.Host, tcURL.Path, []string{tcURL.Scheme})
teamcity := teamcityclient.New(runtime, strfmt.Default)
tcUser, tcPassword := "user", "password"
authentication := httptransport.BasicAuth(tcUser, tcPassword)
horizonDuration, err := strfmt.ParseDuration("48h")
sinceTime := time.Now().UTC().Add(-horizonDuration)
formattedSinceTime := sinceTime.Format("20060102T150405-0700")
projectId := "Your_ProjId"
buildLocator := fmt.Sprintf("affectedProject:(id:%s),defaultFilter:false,queuedDate:(date:%s,condition:after)", projectId, formattedSinceTime)
fields := "build(buildTypeId,status,state,webUrl,id,problemOccurrences(*),queuedDate)"
buildsResponse, err := teamcity.Build.ServeAllBuilds(
build.NewServeAllBuildsParams().WithLocator(&buildLocator).WithFields(&fields), authentication)
if err != nil {
bytes, _ := buildsResponse.Payload.MarshalBinary() //serialize to JSON
How to compose locators and fields params is described here (TC 2017.2)
This project contains auto-generated code, which is for querying TeamCity API server.
At the root of ci-dashboard dir you can find teamcity-swagger-spec.json
(the content is fetched from
Which is essentially comprehensive swagger specification of TeamCity API.
By passing the spec to go-swagger tool
we are able to get working client code(API requests and DTO models) automatically. This approach enables to be type-safe
and maintain consistency the client with actual API. More about benefits you can find on the its site.
There are 2 possible options -
Install go-swagger binary locally, for instance, using homebrew. Then run -
swagger generate client -f teamcity-swagger-spec.json --skip-validation --default-scheme=https
Execute generation via predefined target in makefile
make generate-teamcity-client
. It will run generation inside container, using appropriate docker