
print plugin for Scala compiler

Primary LanguagePython


Scala compiler plugin:

  • use sprinter library
  • generate project sources based on program's ASTs

Build process

From printplugin directory run:

$ sbt assembly

Produced jar should be in project's target directory.

To add printPlugin jar to local ivy repo use:

$ sbt publish-local

Required jar should have similar path: /path/to/.ivy2/local/org.scala-lang.plugins/printplugin_2.10/0.2.0/jars/printplugin_2.10-assembly.jar

See http://scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Setup.html for instructions to setup sbt.


Sbt projects:

In the target project add to build.sbt (or build.scala) following option:

libraryDependencies += compilerPlugin("org.scala-lang.plugins" %% "printplugin" % "0.2.0")

Compile the project:

$ sbt compile

After the compilation generated sources should be in sourceFromAST folder (projectFolder/sourceFromAST).


To compile the project from the command-line use:

$ scalac -Xplugin:/path/to/jar/printplugin-assembly-0.2.0.jar hello/world/*.scala


dir-name - setup custom name for folder with regenerated sources

scalacOptions += "-P:printplugin:dir-name:printAST"

base-dir - setup custom path for regenerated sources

scalacOptions += "-P:printplugin:base-dir:/path/for/generated/sources"

oversrc - overwrite original sources with generated during the compilation.

scalacOptions += "-P:printplugin:oversrc"


$ scalac -Xplugin:path/to/jar/printplugin_2.10-assembly.jar -P:printplugin:base-dir:/path/to/generated/sources -P:printplugin:dir-name:source-hello-world hello/world/*.scala

Regenerated sources should be in sourceFromAST folder.

sbt configuration can be found in treePrintTester project - https://github.com/VladimirNik/treePrintTester