
Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchange for ERC20 tokens

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Local Relayer

Local Relayer is a dApp(decentralized application) built on top of 0x protocol v2. It helps traders to discover counter-parties and ferry cryptographically signed orders between them.

The project on an experimental stage in attempts to find the way and to take the place in the new decentralized world. At this stage, we are working on UI and API interfaces for the open orderbook node(relayer) which will be ready for connection in shared liquidity pool with other relayers.

LocalReayer is live on Mainnet and Kovan https://app.localrelayer.com.

You need to use Metamask to interact with exchange.

There are still plenty of bugs and some things can go wrong, so be aware.

This document and all mentioned references are required for reading by every developer who wants to contibute to Local Relayer.

Commitizen friendly

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Request for improvements

Currently there are multiple parts of the project that requires maintaining, refactoring or rewriting. Feel free to create issues and/or PRs for any missing or wrongly working functionality.

Here is not full list of things that needs to be done:

  • Change TradingView chart to open source alternative
  • Dockerize the project
  • CI/CD
  • Create documentation
  • Fix linting on ui and api packages
  • Fix tests on ui packages
  • Fix storybook on ui packages
  • Redesign
  • Custom Theming Support
  • Reduce ui bundle size
  • Improve trading emulator
  • Increase test coverage
  • and much more...


The repo consist of 2 parts - api and ui. Each of this part is a separated module with own Usage documentation which described how to run it.

At this moment modules not connect with each other by yarn workspaces or lerna packages, so they don't have hoisted or shared dependencies. We store it in one repository for the consistent version control. It means all these packages have the same version number. Therefore when we schedule a new version, the milestone may have issues for any part of the project.

We use SemVer specification whuch dictate how version numbers are assigned and incremented.

Each new Major and Minor version changes is scheduled in github milestones so you can track the progress right on the github. Patch versions is for hotfixes or features which we need to deploy for some reason right now.

Git flow

We use Vincent Driessen's branching model.

Read details here:

To make the git flow experience smoother you can use custom git commands(regular shell scripts) - git-flow

Setup a git repository for git-flow usage(store git-flow config in .git/config):

git flow init -d

Commit message

We use conventional commits specification for commit messages.


To ensure that all commit messages are formatted correctly, you can use Commitizen cli tool. It provides interactive interface that creates your commit messages for you.

sudo npm install -g commitizen cz-customizable

From now on, instead of git commit you type git cz and let the tool do the work for you.

The following commit types are used on the project:

  • feat - A new feature
  • fix- A bug fix
  • improvement - Improve a current implementation without adding a new feature or fixing a bug
  • docs - Documentation only changes
  • style - Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code(white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor - A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
  • perf - A code change that improves performance
  • test - Adding missing tests
  • chore - Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation
  • revert - Revert to a commit
  • WIP - Work in progress

You should strive for a clear informative commit message. Read How to Write a Git Commit Message.

Helpful hint: You can always edit your last commit message, before pushing, by using:

git commit --amend


For feature request or bug please open an issue with proposed templates.


After cloning the repo, initialize the local repository with gitflow(if you use it):

git flow init -d

When starting work on a new issue, branch off from the develop branch.

git checkout -b feature/<feature> develop
# git-flow:
git flow feature start <feature>

If your feature/bug/whatever have an github issue then use issue id as feature name. For instance:

git checkout -b feature/1 develop
# git-flow:
git flow feature start 1

Which mean you start working on #1 issue(/issues/1 regarding the repo).

Then, do work and commit your changes.

git push origin feature/<fature>
# git-flow:
git flow feature publish <feature>

When done, open a pull request to your feature branch.

If you have a permit to close the feature yourself:

git checkout develop
# Switched to branch 'develop'
git merge --no-ff feature/<feature>
# Use --no-ff to avoid losing information about the historical existence of a feature branch
git branch -d feature<fature>
# Deleted branch
git push origin develop

Same with git-flow:

git flow feature finish

Preparing a good PR

  • A pull request should have a specific goal and have a descriptive title. Do not put multiple unrelated changes in a single pull request
  • Do not include any changes that are irrelevant to the goal of the pull request. This includes refactoring or reformatting unrelated code and changing or adding auxiliary files (.gitignore, etc.) in a way that is not related to your main changes.
  • Make logical, not historical commits. Before you submit your work for review, you should rebase your branch (git rebase -i) and regroup your changes into logical commits. Logical commits achieve different parts of the pull request goal. Each commit should have a descriptive commit message. Logical commits within a single pull request rarely overlap in the lines of code they touch.
  • If you want to amend your pull request, rewrite the branch and force-push it instead of adding new (historical) commits or creating a new pull request.

Basic concepts

Local Relayer is a relayer utilizing open order book strategy built on top of 0x protocol. If you're brand new to Local Relayer and want to understand the basic concepts, see:


List of basic items which you have to understand to work on the project.

0x Protocol

0x is an open, permissionless protocol allowing for ERC20 tokens to be traded on the Ethereum blockchain.


web3 This is the Ethereum compatible JavaScript API which implements the Generic JSON RPC spec.


Metamask is a wallet, at it’s core, implemented as a browser extension.


WETH - is ETH wrapped by smart contract allows you to trade directly with alt tokens.

Order book

Order book - is the list of buy and sell orders. Order book can be stored as on-chain or off-chain.

Maker and Taker

There are two parties involved in every trade, a maker and a taker. The maker creates an order for an amount of TokenA in exchange for an amount of TokenB. The maker then submits these to a relayer. The taker discovers orders via a relayer and fill them by sending them directly to the 0x protocol smart contracts. The 0x protocol smart contracts performs a swap, exchanging the maker and taker tokens.


A relayer - is any party or entity which hosts an off-chain orderbook. They provide a way for users to add, remove and update this orderbook through an API, GUI or both. In doing so, relayers help traders discover counter-parties and ferry cryptographically signed orders between them. Once two parties agree on the terms of an order, the order is settled directly on the Ethereum blockchain via the 0x protocol smart contracts.

Shared liquidity

Because all relayers represent orders using the 0x protocol order format, an order created on one relayer can be filled by users on another relayer. That means - rather than each relayer would have own liquidity pool, all relayers can share orders to create a shared liquidity pool. New relayers can bootstrap their liquidity off of existing relayers, immediately becoming an interesting place to trade and big relayers can get additional fee income from those new relayers.

Base/Quote pair and Bid/Ask price explanation

bid/ask mindmap

Test Ethereum accounts

Use this accounts during development

Wallet backup phrase

stereo cheese harsh ordinary scrub media chair beauty artist poet ranch attack

Password (you can create your own or use this one just for the convention)


Testnet ZRX address


Testnet WETH address


Wilder and Joshua - account names for the simplicity.

Wilder(Account 1)




Joshua(Account 2)




testFeeRecipient(Account 3)





Join our telegram chat https://t.me/localrelayer For propositions and partnerships please contant us by email hi@localrelayer.com


You can support development by donation:

ETH: 0x98da50c21af5c48c2b524c89f71588adbd985790

Initially developed by Tim Reznich and Vladimir Pal

Currently developed by LambdaBird team