Visalto is a lightweight framework for asynchronous image loading from the web or a disk. It provides in-memory and disk caching functionalities. The basic image loading looks as follows
let url = URL(string: “”)!
Visalto.shared.loadImage(with: url, completionQueue: .main) { result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let image):
// requested image is here
The same interface may be used for loading an image from the disk and from the web.
For cancellation of an operation just call cancelLoading
with the url that was used for its creation.
Visalto.shared.cancelLoading(for: url)
There are numerous parameters available for the customization of image loading behaviour.
Set your own custom URL session for remote image downloading.
let myCustomURLSession: URLSession = ...
Set maximum concurrent loading operations
Visalto.shared.maxConcurrentLoadingsCount = 10
Set quality of service of image loading queue
Visalto.shared.qualityOfService = .userInteractive
Turn on/off a disk cache
Visalto.shared.useDiskCache = false
It is also possible to customize each image loading operation by providing
- quality of service
- priority in the queue
- url request cache policy
- url request timeout interval
Visalto.shared.loadImage(with: url,
qos: .userInteractive,
queuePriority: .high,
cachePolicy: .reloadIgnoringCacheData,
timeoutInterval: 20,
completionQueue: .main) { result in ... }
An associated project - VisaltoShowcase - demonstrates the usage of the framework.