
The project assembles a given Tetriminos set altogether in the smallest possible square. Passed ✅ and final version on GitHub🔒

Primary LanguageC


The project assembles a given Tetriminos set altogether in the smallest possible square.


There are two folders: srcs with all the c-files needed for the project and includes with the header file.

So, your steps: Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/VladlenaSkubi-du/Fillit_42school.git [folder's name you want] 

Get into it and compile the project:

cd [folder's name you want]
git submodule add https://github.com/VladlenaSkubi-du/libft_42school.git libft

Test with the test files from the folder (you can also create your own test files):


NOTE: The program works only with one testing file that are (from the folder):


The output will be "error" because of the wrong Tetriminos. And for:


The output will be the smallest possible square with all the Tetriminos named with letters.

Go and try. Good luck!

The function returns

The program displays the smallest assembled square on the standard output. To identify each Tetrimino in the square solution, there is a capital letter assigned to each Tetrimino, starting with ’A’ and increasing for each new Tetrimino.

The file with Tetriminos should contain between 1 and 26 Tetriminos. The description of a Tetriminos must respect the following rules :

  1. Precisely 4 lines of 4 characters, each followed by a new line (well... a 4x4 square)
  2. A Tetrimino is a classic piece of Tetris composed of 4 blocks
  3. Each character must be either a block character(’#’ ) or an empty character (’.’)
  4. Each block of a Tetrimino must touch at least one other block on any of his 4 sides (up, down, left and right)

