
This Python script is designed to efficiently find occurrences of a specific term within a designated set of directories. It offers customization options and provides a detailed CSV file as output.


  • Concurrent Search: Employs multithreading for optimized search performance across multiple files.
  • Customizable: Adjust these parameters for a tailored search experience:
    • SEARCH_TERM: Your desired search term. This is not case sesitive.
    • DIRECTORIES_TO_SEARCH: Target directories for the search.
    • EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES: Directories to omit from the search.
    • INCLUDE_FILE_TYPES: Explicitly limit the search to specific file types.
    • EXCLUDE_FILE_TYPES: Exclude certain file types from the search.
    • NUM_THREADS: Number of threads to employ in parallel operations.
  • Clear Output: Generates a CSV file (search_results.csv) detailing:
    • Filepaths containing matches.
    • Total occurrence count in each file.
    • Specific line numbers and positions of the search term.

How to Use

  1. Install Requirements: You might need to install the concurrent.futures module. You can typically do this with the following command: pip install concurrent.futures, how ever this is usually included already.
  2. Modify Configuration: Adapt the variables within the 'Configuration' section of the script to match your search preferences.
  3. Run the Script: Execute the Python script from your terminal (e.g., python


Suppose you want to find all instances of "API" within .py, .md, and .txt files in your project directory, excluding a "docs" subdirectory:

DIRECTORIES_TO_SEARCH = ["./project_directory"]   
EXCLUDE_DIRECTORIES = set(["./project_directory/docs"]) 
INCLUDE_FILE_TYPES = [".py", ".md", ".txt"] 


  • The script filters out files that appear to be binary or non-text to enhance search efficiency.
  • Ensure you have permission to read files in the given directories.