Create custom EE for AWX

Have some docker registry. I'm going to use but feel free to use any other like Docker Hub, GitLab, etc.

Clone this repo, and edit:

  • requirements.txt for python requirements
  • requirements.yml for Ansible collections

Note: In docker file we are extending existing official Runtime Environment:

** **

Build Docker image locally

I have tagged it with because thats my account, feel free to use this EE if you like. 😄

docker image build --tag .
root@automate:~/custom-ee# docker images
REPOSITORY                          TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE   latest    8d3b5d412b37   52 minutes ago   1.24GB

Log in to with Docker

docker login

Push the image to

docker push

Set the new Runtime Environment in AWX

Administration -> Execution Environments -> Add

Runtime Environment

You can then choose this as Execution Environment in your templates.

Check for issues in minikube.

Switch to minikube user (this is user I use for minikube server)

su - minikube
minikube kubectl get events

You should have something like this when you lunch job:

11s         Normal    Scheduled       pod/awx-job-170-mhz4t   Successfully assigned default/awx-job-170-mhz4t to minikube
11s         Normal    Pulling         pod/awx-job-170-mhz4t   Pulling image ""
5s          Normal    Pulled          pod/awx-job-170-mhz4t   Successfully pulled image "" in 5.316071635s
5s          Normal    Created         pod/awx-job-170-mhz4t   Created container worker
5s          Normal    Started         pod/awx-job-170-mhz4t   Started container worker

This is sign that it worked most likely. You might get errors like:

3m18s       Warning   InspectFailed   pod/awx-job-168-x5dlq   Failed to apply default image tag "docker pull": couldn't parse image reference "docker pull": invalid reference format
3m33s       Warning   Failed          pod/awx-job-168-x5dlq   Error: InvalidImageName

This happened when I put wrong name into AWX setting.

Logout from

docker logout