
Ansible playbook that automates the process of downloading items from a vCenter content library and subsequently uploading them to an AWS S3 bucket.

Primary LanguagePython

Ansible vCenter content library to AWS S3 Migrator

This repository contains an Ansible playbook that automates the process of downloading items from a vCenter content library and subsequently uploading them to an AWS S3 bucket.


  • Retrieves items from a specified vCenter content library.
  • Downloads each item from the library to the local system.
  • Uploads the downloaded items to a specified AWS S3 bucket.
  • Updates the Content Library .json using a Python script.
  • Cleanup


  • Ansible 2.9+
  • AWS CLI installed and configured (Or part of the runtime environment)
  • Hashicorp Vault with vCenter credentials
  • Python 3.x
  • Enough disk space for downloads


AWX Template accepts following parameters and default values:

  • content_library_name: "Customer Content Library"

  • s3_bucket_name: "s3-customercontentlibrary"

  • s3_bucket_folder: "Content-Library"

  • content_library_name: Name of the content library on targeted vCenter

  • s3_bucket_name: Targeted S3 bucket where the files will be synced

  • s3_bucket_folder: Name of folder in s3_bucket_name where the content library will be synced to.

Playbook also expect vcenter and AWS credentials (Provided from AWX credentials store)

Does not require privilege escalation.


Note!: Primary use is to run in AWX with all the environment variables provided by AWS and runtime environment containing all the needed modules.