Category: Web
Team: TODO_win
Application for the distribution of tasks in the team. The director uploads tasks to the site (via file or form). Timlid distributes tasks among ordinary workers. Workers celebrate completed tasks.
- Registration / login of a team member (two fields: Name and Password)
- 3 categories of registered members (chief, team leader, worker);
- Creating, checking and uploading a new file with tasks, which then the boss can add to the database
- An alternative to adding tasks using the regular form
- Distribution of tasks between team members
- View your own tasks
- The ability to mark the task as "Done"
- the ability to view completed tasks
The rights of team members:
Team member | View tasks | Mark as done | Distribute tasks | Download file |
Team leader | + | + | + | - |
Chief | + | + | - | + |
Worker | + | + | - | - |
DB setting: /config/db_params.php
DB file: /hakaton.sql
You need to create a new db with name hakaton
and import tabs from file.
Txt file for testing app task_exepmle.txt