Farm Simulator

Node.js coding challenge

Task was done using node.js with express.js. It was written using TypeScript. Sequelize was used to communicate with database, and give database was PostgreSQL.

Used recommended es-lint rules for typescript.


Docker image was created and pushed to Docker Hub


To create a cointainer run

docker compose up

In case image is not being pulled from docker hub use:

docker build -t vlatkovicb/farm-simulator:1.6 .


In order to use API you need to create couple of buildings and assign units to them.

Available routes are forwarded to http://localhost:8080/

Methpd Route
GET /unit
GET /building
POST /unit
POST /building
PUT /unit/feed/{id}

GET /unit

Retrives all units.

POST /unit

Create a unit. Send json in format of:

    "name": "Unit name",
    "buildingId": 1

GET /building

Retrives all buildings.

POST /building

Create a building. Send json in format of:

    "name": "Building name",

PUT /unit/feed/{unitId}

Feed a single unit with a given id (unitId).