Set up

  • Create a service account with GoogleSheets access and Bigquery Owner or (Bigquery jobs user and Bigquery Data admin)
  • Creake a key file called bigquery.json and move it to src folder.
  • Install docker if you do not have it
  • Create a bigquery dataset with the following schema
| Column   |  Type  |
| location | STRING | 
| date     | STRING | 
| dawn     | STRING | 
| dusk     | STRING |   
| sunrise  | STRING |  
| sunset   | STRING | 

  • Modify inserRows.php with your project data 32 'projectId' => 'your-project-id' 64 $places = get_places('./credentials.json', 'your-google-sheet-id'); 65 $response = get_daily_times($places, 'date you want to start with'); 76 table_insert_rows_explicit_none_insert_ids('yout-dataset-id', 'yout-table-id', $new_row);
  • docker build -t php8.2-ubuntu .

Your docker will load php-cli image and execute the 3 month load to your table-id in bigquery

Query to get the daylight and darkness minutes


      location as location_name,
      1440 - Abs(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p', dawn), PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p', dusk), MINUTE)) as darkness_minutes,
      Abs(TIMESTAMP_DIFF(PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p', dawn), PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p', dusk), MINUTE)) as daylight_minutes
  CONCAT(date,' ', dusk) as dusk,
  CONCAT(date, ' ', dawn) as dawn
FROM `high-victor-361803.vaimo_victor.astronomical`);