
[NeurIPS 2022] DRAGON 🐲: Deep Bidirectional Language-Knowledge Graph Pretraining

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Multitask Finetuning on Pretrained KG-enchanced LLM for Question Answering and Machine Reading Comprehension Tasks

This repo provides the source code & data of our paper "Multitask Finetuning on Pretrained KG-enchanced LLM for Question Answering and Machine Reading Comprehension Tasks".

0. Dependencies

Run the following commands to create a conda environment:

conda create -y -n dragon python=3.8
conda activate dragon
pip install torch==1.10.1+cu113 torchvision -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html
pip install transformers==4.10 wandb nltk spacy==2.1.6
python -m spacy download en
pip install scispacy==0.3.0
pip install torch-scatter==2.0.9 torch-sparse==0.6.12 torch-geometric==2.0.0 -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.10.1+cu113.html

1. Results


This repo is built upon the following works:

DRAGON: Deep Bidirectional Language-Knowledge Graph Pretraining