JCDev Projects


Here's a list of my projects and where you can visit them:



Code Ninja is a browser game made with Canvas and Javascript using Object Oriented Programming (OOP). It's the result of a week of developing teaming with Miguel Ortega Ward.
Repo of the project: https://github.com/miguelow/code-ninja



CryptoApp is a learning platform where you can get info and the lastest news of cryptocurrency with a fully functional role system. Developed with Express, Handlebars.
Repo of the project: https://github.com/anasanmua/cryptoCurrencyApp



Hearer is a Full-Stack app, based on the idea of needing someone to listen to you. Here you can make posts telling how you feel and users with greater roles can send you a contact request to be able to contact with them, if you want to. With a fuctional role system, moderation, use of JWT, ContextAPI, ReactJS, various APIs, NodeJS.
Repo of the project (client): https://github.com/VmMad/hearer-client
Repo of the project (server): https://github.com/VmMad/hearer-server

The Phone Cave (by JCDev):

The Phone Cave is a "mockup" of an online phone store where you can get info about the *'latest'* phones in the market and buy them. Soon to implement a role system, user sessions and an e-commerce experience.
Repo of the project: https://github.com/VmMad/The-Phone-Cave