
This code is used for our publication "Zhenghao Shi,Yaning Feng , Minghua Zhao, Erhu Zhang, Lifeng He, Normalized Gamma Transformation Based Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization with Color Correction for Sand-Dust Image Enhancement. IET Image Processing. 14(4):747 -756, 2020". If you use this code please cite the paper, thank you

Primary LanguageMATLAB

#Normalized Gamma Transformation Based Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization with Color Correction for Sand-Dust Image Enhancement

Zhenghao Shi,Yaning Feng , Minghua Zhao, Erhu Zhang, Lifeng He

IET Image Processing. 14(4):747 -756, 2020.

In this paper, we propose a Normalized Gamma Transformation Based Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization with Color Correction for Sand-Dust Image Enhancement

#Prerequisites windows 10+matlab 2018b


#Metric You can run the PSNRSSIM for quantitative results


#Citation if you used this code, cite our publication please! thank you


Thank all co-authors so much!