Create a vagrant configuration to support multiple ceph cluster topologies. Ideal for development or exploration of Ceph.
Review the config.yml. All addresses are on private networks. Each commented section lists the requirements for a configuration and approximate initialization time.
The current setup supports both libvirt and virtualbox as providers. Note that kvm and vbox kernel modules cannot be loaded simultaneously.
Libvirt plugin
Install the plugin if needed.
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
Workaround 1
fog-1.30.0 seems to remove support for libvirt. To workaround this issue, run the following as well if needed
$ vagrant plugin uninstall fog
$ vagrant plugin install --plugin-version 1.29.0 fog
Workaround 2
Encountering an error similar to the following:
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'fog-core' (>= 0), here is why:
Unable to download data from - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (
Update the gem in vagrant. Download from
/opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/gem install --local /tmp/rubygems-update-2.6.7.gem
/opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/update_rubygems --no-ri --no-rdoc
/opt/vagrant/embedded/bin/gem uninstall rubygems-update -x
For background on this issue, see
Then, rerun the plugin installation above.
Adding Vagrant boxes
Next, add the vagrant box. Choose the box you wish to use from the boxes subdirectory.
$ ls boxes/
openSUSE-13.2.x86_64-1.13.2.libvirt-Build21.39.json openSUSE-13.2.x86_64-1.13.2.virtualbox-Build21.39.json SLE-12.x86_64-1.12.0.libvirt-Build6.25.json SLE-12.x86_64-1.12.0.virtualbox-Build6.25.json Tumbleweed.x86_64-1.13.2.libvirt-Build2.34.json Tumbleweed.x86_64-1.13.2.virtualbox-Build2.34.json
For instance, add the openSUSE box for libvirt with the following
$ vagrant box add boxes/openSUSE-13.2.x86_64-1.13.2.libvirt-Build21.39.json
Edit the Vagrantfile and set BOX, INSTALLATION and CONFIGURATION. Use the following for an initial test.
BOX = 'openSUSE-13.2'
INSTALLATION = 'ceph-deploy'
Start the environment.
$ vagrant up
If the admin node starts prior to the other nodes, vagrant will complain that the admin node failed. (This has been inconsistent depending on an environment.) Run the provisionining step to compete the setup.
$ vagrant provision
For libvirt, note that the base box image and VM OS disks are added to /var/lib/libvirt/images with additional disks added as raw partitions for the data nodes.
For virtualbox, the VM OS disks are stored in your home directory. The additional disks for the data nodes are stored in $HOME/disks.
Next, log into the admin node and become root.
$ vagrant ssh admin
vagrant@admin:~> sudo su -
You may now begin a ceph installation.
This repository diverged from it's origin in following features:
- Partly overwrite configs under files/
- If you deploy different versions of ceph you might need different settings. This allows you to do so.
- Import the ssh pubkey from your $HOME
- Allow SUSEConnect registrations
- include a comprehensive .bash_history on the master
- More cluster sizes and configurations
Partly overwrite configurations
files/installation_mode/HOST holds files that will be copied over to the HOST. If you deploy different kinds of Versions of SLES/SES you can create subdirectories that match the following pattern:
I.e. "SLE12-SP3_default"
This directory can hold a single file that differs from the default tree in files/installation_mode/HOST
For the sake of completeness and stating the obvious, the private ssh key is only suitable for demonstrations and should never be used in a real environment.
The ceph-deploy installation option does not automatically install ceph. The environment is created to allow the running of ceph-deploy. For automatic installation, compare the salt installation option.
The default root password is 'vagrant'.