Use a swift class File to describe an abstract object of a file.
Just copy Wildcard.swift and File.swift to your project.
Create a instance:
let myFile = File(path: "~/")
Get its path or url:
Determine if a file or directory exists:
Determine whether a file is a directory:
Get its child file:
let child = myFile.append(childName: "Music")
List files under a directory:
try child.list()
Get its parent directory's name or path:
// or
// or
Create directories (as same as FileManager.createDirectory):
let dir = File(path: "~/tmpp")
let _ = try dir.createDirectory(withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil)
Write into a plist file:
let writeFile = File(path: "~/mTest.plist")
try (["myString":"hello"] as NSDictionary).write(to: writeFile)
// NSArray was also support.
Read from a plist file:
NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: writeFile) // -> NSDictionary?
// NSArray was also support.
Delete a file:
// Example
let tmp = File(path: "~/tmpp/tmp")
let _ = try tmp.createDirectory(withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) // Create
let tmpp = tmp.getParentFile() // Get ~/tmp
print(try tmpp.list()) // Prints "["tmp"]".
let _ = try tmpp.delete(childName: "tmp", hasWildcard: false) // Delete it.
print(try tmpp.list()) // Prints "[]".
try tmpp.delete() // Delete ~/tmpp
Move a file:
let ttmpp = ttmp.append(childName: "child")
let _ = try ttmpp.createDirectory(withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) // Create a destiny directory for moving.
try dictPlist.move(toDir: ttmpp) // Start moving.
Rename a file:
let ttmp = File(path: "~/ttmp")
let _ = try ttmp.createDirectory(withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil) // Create tmp directory.
let dictPlist = ttmp.append(childName: "a.plist")
let dict : NSDictionary = ["aaa" : "vvv"]
try dict.write(to: dictPlist) // Create a test plist file called a.plist.
try dictPlist.rename(to: "b.plist") // Change its name to b.plist
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Licensed under the GPL-2.0 License.