
Signal strength logging for Arris/Motorola Surfboard 6141 modem

Primary LanguagePython


======== Signal strength logging for Arris/Motorola Surfboard 6141 modem.


Script I wrote to scrape the pertinent data from my modem's web portal. The modem does keep logs but I was interested in keeping data on the actual signal strength and SNR. The surfboard 6141 is a pretty widely used modem so I'm sharing in hopes someone else can find use / improve it.

The script compiles and logs:
  • Downstream Signal
  • Upstream Signal
  • SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio)
  • Error Correction Rate

Sample output:

-- Data logged: 2016-Dec-10 09:52:41 --
--  Downstream Signal  --
Channel 9 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 10 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 11 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 12 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 13 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 14 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 15 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 16 : Downstream Signal 0 DBmV -- in spec
--  Upstream Signal  --
Channel 68 : Upstream Signal 47 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 65 : Upstream Signal 45 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 66 : Upstream Signal 46 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 67 : Upstream Signal 47 DBmV -- in spec
--  Signal to Noise Ratio  --
Channel 9 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 10 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 11 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 12 : Signal to Noise Ratio 37 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 13 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 14 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 15 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
Channel 16 : Signal to Noise Ratio 38 DBmV -- in spec
-- Error Correction --
99.9999955587121 % Unerrored Codewords





Modem.log is created automatically and is by default stored in the same directory.
Set IP variable to your modem's IP, the default on my model was
If you need to change the IP ensure you include the suffix /cmSignalData.htm
The page you are aiming for looks like this:

Alt text

Signal thresholds are measured in dB (decibels) or dBmV (decibel millivolts) are adjusted through their _high or _low variables, example:

downstream_high = 10  
downstream_low = -10  

The default values are fairly standard but your provider may have different tolerances.


I set it as a cron job and have it run every 20 minutes.
0,30 * * * * python3 ~/surfboard_log.py


Drop me a line @ mrbenpappas@gmail.com
Or drop by my site


The MIT License (MIT)