Dead simple drop-in subclass of UITextField with super easy number formatting.
- 1
Number in pattern bug
#26 opened by flypaper0 - 6
- 2
Can't get text value without formatting
#25 opened by emreoktem - 2
Textfield does not always use full text
#21 opened by bmcurutan - 1
- 1
Delete doesn't work
#23 opened by olavgm - 1
Wrong formatting
#22 opened by olavgm - 0
Add support for CocoaPods and Carthage
#18 opened by VojtaStavik - 7
Setup Travis to run tests on every PR
#19 opened by VojtaStavik - 0
Add tests
#10 opened by VojtaStavik - 4
- 4
- 2
not working well on iOS 11
#13 opened by thephucit - 4
Swift 3.2 iOS 11 Problem
#11 opened by EmersonCarpes - 1
- 1
Swift 3 version
#7 opened by MihaelIsaev - 3
- 5
new extension
#5 opened by muratonal - 3
Any chance of updating for current Swift?
#1 opened by WadeSellers