A contribution to plugin developers (mongoDB enthusiasts)
This plugin demonstrates a way to interact with mongoDB via installable plugins in mindustry.
You need to use atlas mongodb or set up your own mongo database.
sign up for an account here https://cloud.mongodb.com/.
- use at your own risk.
- performance not tested.
- all are synchronous functions (idk how to do the async ones ;-; )
- if anyone is familar with data visualisations or know how to work with mongoDB, please feel free to ping me at my discord.
- we have lots of data, in need of visualisations. :)
- ugly sample here: https://codepen.io/alexpvpmindustry/pen/xxEWPdy
Clone this repository first.
To edit the plugin display name and other data, take a look at plugin.json
Edit the name of the project itself by going into settings.gradle
Building a Jar
gradlew jar
/ ./gradlew jar
Output jar should be in build/libs
Simply place the output jar from the step above in your server's config/mods
directory and restart the server.
List your currently installed plugins/mods by running the mods