This web application allows a patient who arrives at a clinic select which treatment they want to receive.

It also permits admin to provide translations (into French or Malagasy) of the treatment names.

Framework used: Ruby on Rails

Database: sqlite3


The following tools need to be installed:

  • Ruby [2.5.1]
  • Rails [4.2.10]

Clone this repository

git clone

and then enter the project directory

cd rails-project

And run the following commands to install the dependencies:

bundle install

Initialize the database

rake db:create db:migrate 

Seed the initial data

I have already added treatments in the /db/seeds.rb file with the treaments list you provided. Run the following command to seed the databasa with those treatments:

rake db:seed

But if you want to seed it with your own initial data, do the following steps:

  • add your initial data in the /db/seeds.rb file.
  • run the command:
rake database:repopulate

Start the Rails server

You can start the rails server using the following command:

rails s -p 4001

And now you can visit the site with the URL http://localhost:4001

How to repopulate the list of treatments periodically?

Add the data in the /db/seeds.rb.

I created a cron that repopulates the database monthly. If you want to modify the period according to your need, modify the file /config/schedule.rb.

How admin can provide the translations for the treatments?

Visit the URL http://localhost:4001/admin and log in to provide translations of the treatments using the following credentials:

  • login: admin
  • password: admin

Treatments translated will be diplayed according to the user browser language. If no translation was provided, the treatment will be displayed with english as a default value.