
Small service to support the Fritz!Box with Gandi.net LiveDns

Primary LanguagePython


I'm no longer using a Fritz!Box router for my dynamic DNS. I've switched to using a polling based solution, rather than being able to rely on a router that can broadcast updates somewhere.

Fritz!Box Dynamic DNS for Gandi.net LiveDns

A small Flask service that accepts requests from the Fritz!Box and forwards the information to Gandi.net's LiveDns service.

Configuring the Fritz!Box

Enable DynDns:

  • Open the router (usually http://fritz.box)
  • Internet > Permit Access > DynDNS
  • Check "Use DynDNS"
  • "DynDNS Provider" = User-defined
  • "Update URL" = "http://" + host_port + "/update?domain=" + domain + "&ip4=<ipaddr>&ip6=<ip6addr>&subdomain=" + subdomain
  • "Domain name" = subdomain + "." + domain
  • "User name" = unused
  • "Password" = unused

Configuring the service

You'll need an API Key from Gandi.net:

  • Login to Gandi.net
  • Account > Security > Generate API Key
  • Insert the api key into config.py

You need to specify which domains & subdomains can be updated:

  • Open config.py
  • Edit the allowed dictionary
  • Insert your domain as key, and subdomain into the subdomain set.

You need to setup the service with systemd / etc.

  • Copy dyndns.service into /etc/systemd/system
  • Edit dyndns.service with the user & directory you want to run it as.

Using HTTPS?

Can the Fritz!Box be configured to talk to my local service using HTTPS?

Dunno. I would like to set that up, but I think it's a catch-22, because you won't have a valid HTTPS certificate when you initially set everything up.