
This repository is the official implementation of "Learning correspondences of cardiac motion from images using biomechanics-informed modeling" accepted by MICCAI-STACOM 2022.

Primary LanguagePython

Learning correspondences of cardiac motion from images using biomechanics-informed modeling

This repository is the official implementation of "Learning correspondences of cardiac motion from images using biomechanics-informed modeling" accepted by MICCAI-STACOM 2022 (oral presentation).




Please consider citing our paper if you find anything helpful from our project :) Thanks very much!

  title={Learning correspondences of cardiac motion from images using biomechanics-informed modeling},
  author={Zhang, Xiaoran and You, Chenyu and Ahn, Shawn and Zhuang, Juntang and Staib, Lawrence and Duncan, James},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.00726},


We validated our methods on two public datasets: 1) ACDC 2017 [link] 2) LV quantification 2019 dataset [link]. Please check our paper for details.


We validate our methods on Pytorch=1.9.1, cuda=10.2, cudnn=7.6.5. Please refer to $\texttt{environment}.yml$ for more details. To replicate, please use

conda env create -f environment.yml

Default directory structure

├── Dataset                   
|   ├── ACDC2017       # Place the downloaded dataset here
|   |   ├── training
|   |   ├── testing
|   |   ├── validation
|   ├── LV_Quant_Challenge
|   |   ├── Original_data
|   |   |   ├── TrainingData_LVQuan19 # Place the downloaded dataset here
|   |   ├── training
|   |   ├── ...
├── Code
|   ├── bioinformed_reg
|   |   ├── train.py
|   |   ├── test.py
|   |   ├── ...


Dataset preprocessing

ACDC 2017 dataset requires no preprocessing in our setup. For LV quantification 2019, please run

python LV_Quant_preprocess.py

Train RegNet+BIM

python train.py --losstype bmreg --dataset [YOUR_CHOICE] --lmbd [YOUR_CHOICE] --nup [YOUR_CHOICE]

Train RegNet+BIM+$\mathcal{L}_{seg}$

python train.py --losstype bmreg_seg --dataset [YOUR_CHOICE] --lmbd [YOUR_CHOICE] --nup [YOUR_CHOICE] --gamma [YOUR_CHOICE]


python test.py --model_name [YOUR_CHOICE]

Train/test other models

Simply change the $\texttt{losstype}$ prompt for other regularization terms. For b-spline or optical flow, run following

from registration import func_runRegistration

model_name = 'model_ACDC17_bmreg_nup_0.4_bs_4_epoch_100_lr_0.0001_lmbd_0.05' # any model name as the purpose is only to load the dataset
func_runRegistration(model_name, 'ACDC17', 'bspline') # simply change 'bspline' to 'optflow'

Trained model weights

We provide four trained weights organized as follows for our proposed methods:

├── Models                   
|   ├── model_ACDC17_bmreg_nup_0.4_bs_4_epoch_100_lr_0.0001_lmbd_0.05.pth                      # RegNet+BIM for ACDC
|   ├── model_ACDC17_bmreg_seg_nup_0.4_bs_4_epoch_100_lr_0.0001_lmbd_0.05_gamma_0.01.pth       # RegNet+BIM+Lseg for ACDC
|   ├── model_LVQuant19_bmreg_nup_0.4_bs_4_epoch_100_lr_0.0001_lmbd_0.001.pth                  # RegNet+BIM for LV quantification
|   ├── model_LVQuant19_bmreg_seg_nup_0.4_bs_4_epoch_100_lr_0.0001_lmbd_0.001_gamma_0.01.pth   # RegNet+BIM+Lseg for LV quantification

Examples & Reproducibility

Please refer to our $\texttt{demo.ipynb}$ for examples and reproducibility.


We refer the RegNet & bioinformed-vae implementation to [link]. Please cite their paper as well if you use it.