
The Node.js Internationalization Working Group – A Community Committee initiative.

Node.js Internationalization


The Node.js i18n Working Group is dedicated to the support and improvement of both Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) within the Node.js project. This Working Group serves as a function of the Node.js Community Committee.

What we're responsible for

  • The ongoing translation of the Node.js project's textual content into every language of its users.
  • The implementation of i18n support including ECMA-402 within Node.js.
  • Ensuring Node.js is compliant with common standards like Unicode, CLDR, and harmonized with other globalization efforts.

What i18n (Internationalization) means to us

Maintaining the ability for Node.js to effectively support the cultural & socio-linguistic preferences of all international users, through:

  • Unicode processing and related services to support text written in all human languages.
  • APIs and implementations which support the specific cultural & socio-linguistic preferences, such as localized methods for displaying dates & times.
  • The ability for Node.js and its related modules & applications to be translated into distinct human languages.

What l10n (Localization) means to us

  • Making the Node.js project's API documentation, site, and tutorial content available in every language.
  • The responsibility to provide translators with a useful platform to work in.
  • The responsibility to provision Node.js with all l10n assets, through coordination with Node.js core contributors.
  • Members of this group are not responsible for performing the act of translation itself.

Summary of our Responsibilities

  1. Supporting l10n groups who are actively translating the content of Node.js into their own languages.
  2. i18n support for Node.js, and its related initiatives.
  3. Ensuring i18n compliance with all relevant standards such as Unicode and ECMA-402.
  4. Continual refinement and maintenance of the i18n Working Group's processes, platform service accounts, and related module repositories & source code.

Our Current Trajectory

Please read this article to get up to speed on our current trajectory.

Inter-project relationships

In order to ensure best practices, this working group may work directly with representatives of similar and related i18n efforts from other external projects. For example:

Current Members

If you're interested in joining this group, or would like to leave a question or comment for its members - please create an issue or submit a pull request.

This document was influenced by the nodejs/Intl working group's mandate, and is seen as a continuation of that work.