This is a test automation framework with a list of the tests for Real World example apps.
Plugin | README |
Java (at least 11) | |
Maven (at least 3) | |
Google Chrome (latest) | |
To trigger the tests on local environment use follow command:
mvn test
This command will download chromedriver and trigger your tests against Google Chrome
You can also trigger the test against Selenium Grid using following command:
mvn test -Dgrid.url=[url]
- link to your Selenium Grid instance, example: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
Add to your local system env properties RP_UUID (rp.uuid) and RP_PROJECT (rp.project). These properties can be found in your report portal profile on
E.g: export RP_UUID=4394hfkj-ewti74hifw-wkfubf-w484u export RP_PROJECT=Team work