
Create the program that can work with informations about students visiting and progress. The program must provide the work with the next data:

  • Group;
  • Student;
  • Visiting;
  • Progress;
  • Subject;
  • Department.

On the start the program must show window-logo with the college, and changed its to a window with all groups with the support of search for spesiality in the table that cant edit (not less than 10 records). From the main window the user must have access to other tables. #The program must cover:

  • Add, edit, delete record from all tables - use double click on the cell;
  • Show all subjects in selected group;
  • Show all curators in selected group;
  • Show all students in selected group;
  • Show full information about student in a report;
  • Show students with active reprimand;
  • Show students with benefit in group and department;
  • Show teenagers in department;
  • Show information about students visiting for week and month;
  • Show students for prevention in selected group;
  • Show students progress for week and month;
  • Show students with negative mark.

The main features:

  • MySQL
  • Spring
  • Transaction
  • RESTful
  • JPA (enable caching, annotations with query (native and jpql))
  • All classes entity inherit from the BaseEntity for logging
  • Classes of service inherit from AccessDAO for provide base query to all service like delete, getAll, update etc/
  • Are controller classes inherit from RestBase class for provide to client a basic access on delete, update etc/