
Wikimedia blog theme, mirrored from WordPress's SVN

Primary LanguagePHP

Wikimedia Blog WordPress Theme

Development Setup

  1. Set up WordPress VIP environment per the general documentation
  2. Clone this theme repo into www/wp-content/themes/vip/


Via the GitHub mirror

Merge change to Master in GitHub, and then sync it to the production SVN as described at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/SVN-GitHub_mirror_of_the_WordPress_theme

Directly to the Production SVN

  • Setup existing theme directory as VIP svn repo, by doing an svn checkout within your working directory

      $ cd www/wp-content/themes/vip/wikimedia-blog
      $ svn checkout https://vip-svn.wordpress.com/wikimedia ./
  • Make sure you're on the master branch in git... this is the one we want to keep in sync with VIP

      $ git checkout master
  • Commit svn changes to deploy to VIP

      $ svn commit -m "New commit for deployment on WordPress VIP"
  • After review and deployment by Automattic, sync the GitHub mirror as described at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Blog/SVN-GitHub_mirror_of_the_WordPress_theme