
gnulag's homepage on the interwebz

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Welcome to browndawg's highbrown society for programmers and sysadmins.


GNU/Lag doesn't have many rules you'd have to explicitly state. Don't be a dick, and you should be fine.

  • No CP (we'll report you to every three letter agency in existence).
  • NSFW content need not be marked. Please mark gore and such as NSFL.
  • No lurking 1
  • Don't post logs anywhere.
  • Don't sneeze whilst getting fingered.



While the channel was mostly founded by members of another Linux channel, #gnulag is a general programming + sysadmin channel. You'll find a wide range of topics being discussed, including, but not limited to:

  • Anything other than Linux
  • Communism, Capitalism, Anarcho-syndicorporalicapitalisticimperialism within closed communal tribes.
  • Music / Books / Movies / Anime / TV.
  • Drugs.
  • Kill all Humans.
  • Indians being indians and hungarians being hungarians
  • How awesome canada is
  • Computer Science and Programming.
  • Zygohistomorphic prepromorphisms.
  • Poor career decisions (ask whiteph or belzurix).
  • Bad Dragons (actually, dildos of all shapes and sizes).
  • Definitions of controversial words.
  • Religion, and the occult.
  • Life size Lennart Pöttering cutouts with a hole where the mouth is supposed to be.
  • LGBTQIA+ stuff, porn, and sexuality in general.
  • The existential threat of frontend web development.
  • The UNIX philosophy and how modern development is taking a giant shit on it how good Lennart looks in plaid.
  • Definitely not talking about inline skating.
  • Emacs and how awesome it is
  • regular CLI vs TUI vs GUI pancrase fights


Who do I ask for help?

  • browndawg | Richard-Stalin | queefburglar69
  • crystalmett
  • iownall555
  • audron
  • Zowlyfon | Z
  • A_Dragon | Roy_Mustang
  • AWindowsKrill | Volkor
  • MrNeon
  • TinyTimmyTokyo for Gantoo Lunix help or tips.
  • belzurix
  • Anyone on the Suckless mailing list

In that order.

How do I register my nickname?


How do I use Snoonet?

How do I stay permanently connected to the channel?

  • /mode +j #gnulag, or google on how to set up autojoin in your IRC client.
  • Get a Snoonet BNC account (if you don't already have one), if you've been to Snoonet for more than a month
  • set up a Quassel Core / ZNC server somewhere.
  • Alternatively, ping crystalmett, browndawg, or skg for an account on their server.

Can I ask for programming / unix help?

Yes. We're not an official help channel, but regulars will often help you out with technical issues if they have the time (and you're not a dick). If you're going to ask a question, make sure to include what you're doing and what you've tried so far.

How do I share images / files / text on IRC?

You'll have to host it somewhere, and share a public link. There are scripts and tools that can automate this for you. Ask on the channel.

We have three services hosted by community members:

or use public services like:

Please note that DCC is disabled on Snoonet.

For code or any arbitrary text really github gist is a good choice.

Note by belzurix: Don't be surprised if nobody wants to open a .tar.xz file of yours. Read more on zip bombs.


Is this just #linuxmasterrace with porn?

No. Its #lmr with porn, commies and non-whites, minus the [m]atrix lurkers. (PURGED)
Not affiliated with the subreddit / channel., many regulars show up in both chanels, though. This created border conflicts which later escalated into a full-scale war. #gnulag won the war without losing a single battle.

How is the channel related to #redoxmasterrace ?

We were temporarely allied with them against the vile necromancers who were trying to make an army from the rotting corpse that #linuxmasterrace is. Update: ultimately, the #lmr reanimation attempt resulted in failure. Most of the lines are fake activity by two people who call each other (and the rest of the people as well) "gey". Pls don't tell them that it's written "ghey".

What is #69

It was a channel funded by our government. It's manufactured opposition, a honeypot for dissidents. k33k was responsible for managing it.

Bots & Games

Here's the entire list of gonzobot commands.


We run a n2n supernode for p2p connections. Instruction on how to install the client (edge node), then connect with

sudo edge -d n2n0 -c gnulag \
    -k <insert secret password here> \
    -l cocaine.farm:7654 \
    -a 10.255.88.<your ip number thingy here>


Minecraft on gnulag.net:25565.


To connect to the xonotic server get xonotic, start it,
open the console with ~ and type connect cocaine.farm:26000.
You will need to reconnect on map change



If you're regular, PM browndawg or audron to get your name and description on here, or send a PR to our github repo

  • browndawg: BTW he uses Arch Linux. Benevolent, fair OP. Has the power of JS rockstars AND normal rockstars. Vim ninja. Sometimes Always shits on streets. Wants to sex the benis.
    Is as straight as he is white, and he's white AF.(LIES (allegedly)).
  • xi: Author of our bot (vini). In a toxic relationship with baguettes. FreeBSD shill. Fuchsia shill. Writes segfaults in C that only compile on FreeBSD UPDATE: has committed the NodeJS heresy. Now his bot, jesi, works on linux, too.
  • Zowlyfon: Resident chad, lifts. Haskell Shill. In a sexual relationship with his headphones.
  • RadiantBastard: His job is to remove kebab and add chaos. Uses macOS like a fuccboi. Resident memeposter. Bringer of all news.
  • skg: ウィーブ, Pretends to understand Japanese, actually kinda understands japanese, wants to live in japan someday, dont fuck with my bio you morons(no u), Resident weeb and connoisseur of all anime. Other resident fuccboi (seriously, MacOS bad). Possibly owns anal beads, freeballs it every once in a while, wants the longest bio to assert dominance over the other virgin bios, would also occasionally not turn down the notion of being a cute anime girl, is now a real anime girl. Formerly AndroidKitKat.
  • pta2002: Idiot kid. Actually a genius. Plays plastic guitar, but would love to play actual guitar UPDATE: plays actual guitar too. Likes BSPWM, Fedora, and allegedly codes in Go in his spare time, only to complain about it afterwards. Has a crush on Link, no full half homo.
  • AB49K: Programs in an obsolete python version in the land down under, lives in shipping container. Has cute doggos. Will die of liver failure at age 30. Thongs wogs.
  • audron: Master of containers. Hosts a bunch of shit that constantly breaks.
    Somehow attracts segfaults. Person to anoying if anything breaks down.
  • A_Dragon: Resident nazi mod. Eats babies. Surprisingly good guy. Other resident furry. Ask him what his name stands for.
  • iownall555: IDK how this guy is network staff but I'm glad he is, wishes he was British. >Being a Britbong in $CURRENT_YEAR Also thongs wogs with AB49K in the land down under while preaching the good word of Richard M. Stallman, our GNU/Lord and Savior.
  • MrNeon: Resident commie. Sleeps with his socks on. May or may not use actual neon lights as dildoes. Connoisseur of incest porn.
  • catbottom: Resident chink. Loyalty in question. Seen more in #lmr than #gnulag. Thinks your doggo is a snacc.
  • TinyTimmyTokyo: Resident gayboye, Gantoo Lunix nerd, and eternally sleepless lurker. (Allegedly) is somewhat good at coding in C++ and Shell. Has Golden Retriever doggo but likes cats (don't ask why). Chaotic evil regexer. Also resident furry. Into transformation porn. Help Needed[^4]
  • za: Depressed Arch Linux boye, is weirdly into keyboards, and anime tiddies. He pretends to be an audiophile, and vapes.
  • justJanne: Genius. Never forgets a thing she reads. Resident data collection agency.
  • Seirdy: big fan of CLIs and prefers everything to GUI. His data collection is greedier than Zuckbook's, Twatter's and NSA's combined.
  • crystalmett: Turn-ons: OPSEC Turn-offs: [TRIPLE REDACTED AND BURNED FOR GOOD MEASURE]
  • belzurix2: Comrade general. Fell into the Emacs rabbit hole. Help him so he can leave it!
  • Rolfe: Farm fresh Idaho potato. Waifu supplier. Insists her stuffed toy collection doesn't come alive when you're asleep. Dabbles in rule34 involving extra long moustaches.
  • random-nick: Impossible to annoy, resident Common Lisp shill. Rekts any other lisp dialect that appears in the dicussion.
  • Romanson: Not roman, but son. Somewhere in a shitty 3rd world cuntry. Been bitching about not having a bio while being a bio student. The absolute botman.
  • lanosz: Resident slav, actually the only sane person in the entire channel (source: lanosz). Bash scripting leviathan Slave to emacs. Catbottom wont stop obsessing over him. Actually learned interslavic due too autism.
  • IndyJoenz Came back recently. Doing l33t h4x and ascii arts. Mascot of the channel, representing its spirit. Has DukeTogo as a bot.
  • d1pl0mat: He often disappears for months on end with no explanation; this is normal. Learning webshit and doing okay at it. Is trying to popularize the .gvy file extension because .groovy is irritatingly long. Has officially added .gvy as a recognized mimetype on most Unix-based desktops.
  • k33k: master hacker and shitposter with an ego bigger than your mum. In combat, pommels opponents into the ground.
  • basso: his servers are more bronken than audron's (emanating smoke signals so owner knows what's up). Great memeposter.
  • WnB: has great knowledge but prefers getting erect. Posts fap materials constantly. Biggest dick duck hunter in the history of #gnulag
  • iamidly: has weird ideas about how computers should be. Rolls his own distro and dogfoods his own coreutils replacement. Doesn't tolerate colorful output.
  • Shadowhand: all around sr tech ninja, uses windows but yearns for linux, possibly autistic, boobs (his own ones) and cats are his specialty.
  • Crocodillian: Resident weed smoker. Is into good music. Codes C (allegedly). Also has a history of Perl programming (which he regrets). Owns 420 core workstation that everyone's jealous of.
  • FoxsideMiners addicted to plushies, trying to take over the channel with furriness, one of the resident furries(see TinyTimmmyTokyo), underminds browngaydwag's authorioty.

Regulars Emeritus :(

  • Jennifer-Lawrence: Actually a black man from rural Alabama. Would like to be an anime girl.
    Has 10 terabytes of encrypted hentai on his university's Google Drive. Only actually appeared to fucc ducks and bang dicks.
  • cheers: Accelerationist. Responsible for global warming. Defected to #redoxmasterrace > giving in to memes
  • theluke: Member3 of the suprisingly large wog population on gnulag. Claims his brane is too small to learn anything other than vim. Edgy af.
  • Tuxiee: † In Memoriam
  • ix: Resident weeb and audiophile, doesn't like any guitar that isn't a telecaster.
    Patron of the occult. Not to be bullied.
  • whiteph: Plays Guitar. Really good at physics.


  • DukeTogo: Best not to talk to it. If provoked, it will BTFO you in microseconds. Says AndroitKitKat (now skg) is gay and seems not to know about browndawg.
  • gonzobot: Snoonet's cloudbot instance. All of its functions that rely on external APIs are broken.
  • CYBERDUNCE: AI-core re-enabled. Shitposts constantly. Regulars bullied it to oblivion, resulting in constant e-depression. Bringer of RSS.
  • jesi: xi's utter crap NodeJS bot that fucks itself up during every netsplit.
  • lalilo: Bot to control the gnulag radio.

© 2021 browndawg et al


  1. You should spend time in channel regularly. In practice, this means that if you're 24/7 logged in, then at least every two weeks, you have to do some non-fake activity. This is to avoid people making local logs without adding anything to the channel. Compare and contrast [m]atrix lurker policy.

  2. as unix standard dictates

  3. Dick