The Business Forms panel is a conceptually new plugin for Grafana. It is the first plugin that allows inserting and updating application data, as well as modifying configuration directly from your Grafana dashboard.
- 4lenz1
- alpglide
- amine-amaachUM6P
- BarryLuijten
- bburnsMRIIOT
- ClivernClivern
- coding-to-musicBoston
- criticalbootHyderabad, India
- daria-vl@VolkovLabs
- dec0dOS
- DmitrySidorowR-Solutions
- eliastorWorld
- fernandowolfer
- ftasso
- Gh0stExp10itSkynet
- gursel58
- holgerbrandlhttp://systema.com/
- hutchYy
- iambearman
- italanchan
- JCoordes
- kfreimanWorld
- krzysion
- lerdtFujitsu
- marko-savicMarware
- mikhail-vl@VolkovLabs
- RomaneBernard
- rvdwijngaardthe Netherlands
- SemmuHungary
- sp-roger-bosch
- spa-samUkraine
- tflanitzer
- vadugaIrkutsk
- volks73Field R&D Services, LLC
- westonforbesAutomatic Spring Products Corporation