Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM.
A project is a part of Udacity Nanodegree program. The project teaches how to write tests with different scenarios such as testing combined with asynchronous requests etc.
To install current project run in you terminal
git clone git@github.com:VolodymyrPliuta/frontend-nanodegree-feedreader.git
- Open index.html
- Make changes in js/app.js
- To see what test are passed refresh you browser
- To write custome unit tests. Open jasmine/spec/feedreder.js
It had already installed Jasmine but if your want to install on you project follow the instructions below.
run in your terminal to install Jasmine globally
npm install -g jasmine
Initialize a project for Jasmine by creating a spec directory and configuration json for you.
jasmine init
Change directory for writing your tests
cd spec
Create any file with .spec.js - extension and write your test inside of the file
touch test.spec.js
describe('Hello world', () => {
it('hello test', () => {
Go to your project directory and run:
Any person should feel free to contribute to this project. All requests will be reviewed