A container for all sorts of handy shaders in Unity3D.
This repository was created to store all the shader code that I'll be creating inside Unity3D while getting back into shader programming. It is my goal of eventually ending up with a rather nice looking database of all sorts of useful shaders that are well commented and understandable to me and anyone interested in the subject.
Everything in this repository is purely meant to be educational so don't hesitate to whatever you find useful in here (Wouldn't mind getting a "hey look at what we did with your shader" notification though :).
If you have any questions, something to contribute or just want to chat then feel free hit me up on Twitter or by email: ellioman at
List of Shaders-Projects in this Repository
- _BasicShader
- Blending
- Compute
- Culling
- DeferredRendering
- DeferredTextures
- DiscardingFragments
- Dissolve
- FlatColor
- FlatColor
- FlatRGBColor
- GeometryShaders
- GPUInstancing
- GrabPass
- BlackWhite
- Blur
- GlassStained
- Pixelation
- PixelShifting
- Tint
- Heatmaps
- Masks
- AlphaMask
- ColorAlphaMask
- ColorMask
- MultipleRenderTargets
- NormalExtrusion
- NormalMapping
- PostProcessing
- BlackWhite
- BlendModeAdd
- BlendModeMultiply
- BlendModeOverlay
- BlendModeScreenBlend
- BrightnessSaturationContrast
- CameraFader
- Overlay
- Rotation
- RotationUV
- RotationVertices
- Shading
- Diffuse
- DiffuseLighting
- Phong
- Phong-Blinn
- StencilBuffer
- TextureAtlas
- Textures
- 3DTexture
- ApplyTexture
- CombineTextures
- DepthTexture
- ToonShading
- VertexManipulation
- CurvedWorld
- Flag
- Scale
- VolumetricExplosion
- Water
- Waves
The project must be run on Unity3D 2017.1.0f2 or newer.
Thank Yous / Resources
- Dan Moran for his excellent Shader case studies
- Alan Zucconi for his tutorials and Unity 5.x Shaders and Effects Cookbook
- Noisecrime for his Stencil examples
- Käy Vriend for his Free game dev resources
- Wikibooks for the tutorials
- Unity3d wiki for their example shaders
- cgcookie for their free beginner, intermediate and surface shader tutorials
- Alastair Aitchison for his shader examples
- digitalerr0r for his Diffuse and Phong & Blinn-Phong tutorials
- Mike Hearn for
- Max Boughen for his free textures