
Program that calculates required transformations for 2 general trees to become equal. Supports interactive CLI mode

Primary LanguageJava

Tree Transformer


Tree tarnsformer is a program that computes neccessary transformations to be performed on one general K-ary tree, for it to become equal to another general tree. In addition to that, it supports interactive command line interface (CLI) that can be used to generate and transform trees in real time with ability to save and load generated trees into and from the CLI.


In order to run Tree Transformer, you can use TreeTransformer.jar. General usage for that is either run it via:

java -jar TreeTransformer.jar (<file1> <file2>)? (-h|--help)?

or with

chmod +x TreeTransformer.jar

Transformations from files

./TreeTransformer.jar (<file1> <file2>)? (-h|--help)?

<file1> - file that contains the original tree definition

<file2> - file that contains the desired tree definition, for which you want to get transformations

Tree definition is expected to be provided in the following format:

[parent, child][parent, child][parent, child]...

E.g.: [1,2][1,3][2,4]...


Content of file test_tree_1.txt

Content of file test_tree_2.txt

Example Transformation

Interactive mode

Running Tree Transformer without any arguments will result into a CLI mode. In CLI mode user is able to generate Tree, that will be saved in program runtime memory, as well as save it to persistent memory and load back on demand.


CLI supports following instructions:

  • ADD(<int: parent_index>, <int: child_index>) - add a node with <child_index> as a child to the node with <parent_index>.
    Note: parent node of the first edge will be chosen as the root node of the tree!
  • REMOVE(<int: leaf_index>) - remove a leaf node with <leaf_index> from the tree
    Note: removing last node will not result in an error, but will give an opportunity to make completely new tree
  • SAVE <filename>.tt - save currently generated tree to the <filename> with extension .tt
  • LOAD <filename>.tt - load tree saved under <filename>.tt onto current session
    Note: current tree will be permanently removed!
  • EXIT - to exit the program


Example Interactive Primitive

Example Interactive Save/Load