
The official C++ wrapper for the Top.gg API

Primary LanguageC++

Top.gg SDK for C++

The official open-source C++ wrapper for the Top.gg API.

This is a simple C++ SDK for interacting with the Top.gg API.


  • Making authenticated requests to the Top.gg API using a bot token
  • Parsing Top.gg API responses into convenient C++ objects
  • Examples demonstrating how to use the SDK to implement a votebot and leaderboard

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/pneb/cpp-sdk.git
  1. Add the include and src directories to your project's include path and library path, respectively.

  2. Build the topgg library:

cd cpp-sdk
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
  1. Build the examples:
make example-votebot
make example-leaderboard
  1. Run the examples:

Note that the examples require you to have a Top.gg bot token set as an environment variable TOPGG_BOT_TOKEN.


Include the topgg/http/client.hpp header and create an instance of topgg::Api with your Top.gg bot token:

#include <string>
#include "topgg/topgg.hpp"

// Put your bot token here
const std::string BOT_TOKEN = "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN";

int main()
    topgg::Api api(BOT_TOKEN);

    // Use the api object to make requests to the Top.gg API
    return 0;

Refer to the Top.gg API documentation for information on the available endpoints and request structures.


Pull requests are welcome! Please include unit tests for any added or modified functionality.