
Nagios3 modules for Puppet

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
  3. Setup - The basics of getting started with nagios3
  4. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  5. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  6. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  7. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module will install Nagios 3 and manage its main and CGI configs.

Module Description

This module will install Nagios and manage its "core" configs. Unlike many other modules, it will not manage object configs (the things that Nagios monitors) or any "extras".

Reason for using EL6 and Nagios 3.5.1 combination is its proven stability and compatibility with Mod Gearman and MK Livestatus. Other combinations may also work well together, but this been tested and proven in our environments.


What nagios3 affects

  • Nagios package
  • Nagios main configuration (nagios.cfg)
  • Nagios CGI configuration (cgi.cfg)
  • Nagios config dir(s) (default: /etc/nagios)
  • SysV service (default: /etc/init.d/nagios)

This module will not:

  • Manage users
  • Manage Nagios objects (hosts, hostgroups, services, etc.)
  • Install EPEL

Setup Requirements

  • CentOS 6
  • Puppet 2.7.x
  • EPEL
  • puppetlabs-stdlib

Beginning with nagios3

include '::nagios3 is enough to get you started. You can pass in parameters like this:

class { '::nagios3':
  package_ensure => '3.5.1-1.el6',


Parameters are divided into 3 sections:

  • Installation
  • cgi.cfg
  • nagios.cfg

cgi.cfg and nagios.cfg defaults are taken from the nagios-3.5.1-1.el6 package. Undef values for nagios.cfg and cgi.cfg are by default commented out in configs.


Class nagios3

class { '::nagios3':

  # Installation
  config_dir                                   => '/etc/nagios',
  cgi_config_file                              => "${config_dir}/cgi.cfg",
  config_dir_group                             => 'root',
  config_dir_mode                              => '0775',
  config_dir_owner                             => 'root',
  config_file                                  => "${config_dir}/nagios.cfg",
  config_file_group                            => 'root',
  config_file_mode                             => '0664',
  config_file_owner                            => 'root',
  package_ensure                               => 'installed',
  package_name                                 => 'nagios',
  passwd_config                                => "{config_dir}/passwd",
  service_enable                               => false,
  service_ensure                               => undef,
  service_file                                 => '/etc/rc.d/init.d/nagios',

  # cgi.cfg
  cgi_action_url_target                        => '_blank',
  cgi_authorized_for_all_host_commands         => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_authorized_for_all_hosts                 => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_authorized_for_all_service_commands      => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_authorized_for_all_services              => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_authorized_for_configuration_information => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_authorized_for_read_only                 => [],
  cgi_authorized_for_system_commands           => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_authorized_for_system_information        => [ 'nagiosadmin' ],
  cgi_color_transparency_index_b               => 255,
  cgi_color_transparency_index_g               => 255,
  cgi_color_transparency_index_r               => 255,
  cgi_default_statusmap_layout                 => 5,
  cgi_default_statuswrl_layout                 => 4,
  cgi_default_user_name                        => undef,
  cgi_enable_splunk_integration                => 0,
  cgi_escape_html_tags                         => 1,
  cgi_host_down_sound                          => undef,
  cgi_host_unreachable_sound                   => undef,
  cgi_lock_author_names                        => 1,
  cgi_main_config_file                         => '/etc/nagios/nagios.cfg',
  cgi_normal_sound                             => undef,
  cgi_notes_url_target                         => '_blank',
  cgi_physical_html_path                       => '/usr/share/nagios/html',
  cgi_ping_syntax                              => '/bin/ping -n -U -c 5 HOSTADDRESS',
  cgi_refresh_rate                             => 90,
  cgi_result_limit                             => 100,
  cgi_service_critical_sound                   => undef,
  cgi_service_unknown_sound                    => undef,
  cgi_service_warning_sound                    => undef,
  cgi_show_context_help                        => 0,
  cgi_splunk_url                               => '',
  cgi_statusmap_background_image               => undef,
  cgi_statuswrl_include                        => undef,
  cgi_url_html_path                            => '/nagios',
  cgi_use_authentication                       => 1,
  cgi_use_pending_states                       => 1,
  cgi_use_ssl_authentication                   => 0,

  # nagios.cfg
  accept_passive_host_checks                   => 1,
  accept_passive_service_checks                => 1,
  additional_freshness_latency                 => 15,
  admin_email                                  => 'nagios@localhost',
  admin_pager                                  => 'pagenagios@localhost',
  auto_reschedule_checks                       => 0,
  auto_rescheduling_interval                   => 30,
  auto_rescheduling_window                     => 180,
  bare_update_check                            => 0,
  broker_module                                => [],
  cached_host_check_horizon                    => 15,
  cached_service_check_horizon                 => 15,
  cfg_dir                                      => [ '/etc/nagios/conf.d', ],
  cfg_file                                     => [
  check_external_commands                      => 1,
  check_for_orphaned_hosts                     => 1,
  check_for_orphaned_services                  => 1,
  check_for_updates                            => 1,
  check_host_freshness                         => 0,
  check_result_path                            => '/var/log/nagios/spool/checkresults',
  check_result_reaper_frequency                => 10,
  check_service_freshness                      => 1,
  child_processes_fork_twice                   => undef,
  command_check_interval                       => '-1',
  command_file                                 => '/var/spool/nagios/cmd/nagios.cmd',
  daemon_dumps_core                            => 0,
  date_format                                  => 'us',
  debug_file                                   => '/var/log/nagios/nagios.debug',
  debug_level                                  => 0,
  debug_verbosity                              => 1,
  enable_embedded_perl                         => 1,
  enable_environment_macros                    => 1,
  enable_event_handlers                        => 1,
  enable_flap_detection                        => 1,
  enable_notifications                         => 1,
  enable_predictive_host_dependency_checks     => 1,
  enable_predictive_service_dependency_checks  => 1,
  event_broker_options                         => -1,
  event_handler_timeout                        => 30,
  execute_host_checks                          => 1,
  execute_service_checks                       => 1,
  external_command_buffer_slots                => 4096,
  free_child_process_memory                    => undef,
  global_host_event_handler                    => undef,
  global_service_event_handler                 => undef,
  high_host_flap_threshold                     => 20.0,
  high_service_flap_threshold                  => 20.0,
  host_check_timeout                           => 30,
  host_freshness_check_interval                => 60,
  host_inter_check_delay_method                => 's',
  host_perfdata_command                        => undef,
  host_perfdata_file                           => undef,
  host_perfdata_file_mode                      => undef,
  host_perfdata_file_processing_command        => undef,
  host_perfdata_file_processing_interval       => undef,
  host_perfdata_file_template                  => undef,
  host_perfdata_process_empty_results          => undef,
  illegal_macro_output_chars                   => '`~&|\'"<>',
  illegal_object_name_chars                    => '`~!%^&*|\'"<>?,()=',
  interval_length                              => 60,
  lock_file                                    => '/var/run/nagios.pid',
  log_archive_path                             => '/var/log/nagios/archives',
  log_event_handlers                           => 1,
  log_external_commands                        => 1,
  log_file                                     => '/var/log/nagios/nagios.log',
  log_host_retries                             => 1,
  log_initial_states                           => 0,
  log_notifications                            => 1,
  log_passive_checks                           => 1,
  log_rotation_method                          => 'd',
  log_service_retries                          => 1,
  low_host_flap_threshold                      => 5.0,
  low_service_flap_threshold                   => 5.0,
  max_check_result_file_age                    => 3600,
  max_check_result_reaper_time                 => 30,
  max_concurrent_checks                        => 0,
  max_debug_file_size                          => 1000000,
  max_host_check_spread                        => 30,
  max_service_check_spread                     => 30,
  nagios_group                                 => 'nagios',
  nagios_user                                  => 'nagios',
  notification_timeout                         => 30,
  object_cache_file                            => '/var/log/nagios/objects.cache',
  obsess_over_hosts                            => 0,
  obsess_over_services                         => 0,
  ochp_command                                 => undef,
  ocsp_command                                 => undef,
  ocsp_timeout                                 => 5,
  p1_file                                      => '/usr/sbin/p1.pl',
  passive_host_checks_are_soft                 => 0,
  perfdata_timeout                             => 5,
  precached_object_file                        => '/var/log/nagios/objects.precache',
  process_performance_data                     => 0,
  resource_file                                => '/etc/nagios/private/resource.cfg',
  retained_contact_host_attribute_mask         => 0,
  retained_contact_service_attribute_mask      => 0,
  retained_host_attribute_mask                 => 0,
  retained_process_host_attribute_mask         => 0,
  retained_process_service_attribute_mask      => 0,
  retained_service_attribute_mask              => 0,
  retain_state_information                     => 1,
  retention_update_interval                    => 60,
  service_check_timeout                        => 60,
  service_check_timeout_state                  => 'c',
  service_freshness_check_interval             => 60,
  service_inter_check_delay_method             => 's',
  service_interleave_factor                    => 's',
  service_perfdata_command                     => undef,
  service_perfdata_file                        => undef,
  service_perfdata_file_mode                   => undef,
  service_perfdata_file_processing_command     => undef,
  service_perfdata_file_processing_interval    => undef,
  service_perfdata_file_template               => undef,
  service_perfdata_process_empty_results       => undef,
  sleep_time                                   => 1,
  soft_state_dependencies                      => 0,
  state_retention_file                         => '/var/log/nagios/retention.dat',
  status_file                                  => '/var/log/nagios/status.dat',
  status_update_interval                       => 10,
  temp_file                                    => '/var/log/nagios/nagios.tmp',
  temp_path                                    => '/tmp',
  time_change_threshold                        => undef,
  translate_passive_host_checks                => 0,
  use_aggressive_host_checking                 => 0,
  use_embedded_perl_implicitly                 => 1,
  use_large_installation_tweaks                => 0,
  use_regexp_matching                          => 0,
  use_retained_program_state                   => 1,
  use_retained_scheduling_info                 => 1,
  use_syslog                                   => 1,
  use_timezone                                 => undef,
  use_true_regexp_matching                     => 0,


Tested with:

  • Nagios 3.5.1
  • CentOS 6
  • Puppet 2.7.x.


I'm open to any feedback / patches / suggestions.


Thanks to dfilion/puppet-nagios3 for doing all the groundwork.