
potential bed crash with community/howto/clee/sensorless_xy_homing.md

tomlikesrocks opened this issue · 0 comments

it works fine if the printhead is already raised up from the bed and ready to go.
But if you had a previous error, for example on QGL and had too many attempts, the printhead could be at Z=0 and if you home from there it can crash into the bed.
Currently displaying:

axes: xyz
  {% set home_all = 'X' not in params and 'Y' not in params and 'Z' not in params %}

  {% if home_all or 'X' in params %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if home_all or 'Y' in params %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if home_all or 'Z' in params %}
    G28 Z
    G1 Z10
  {% endif %}

I changed mine to:

set_position_z: 0
axes: xyz
    # Now lift Z safely
    G1 Z30 F600  # Lift Z by 30mm

    {% set home_all = 'X' not in params and 'Y' not in params and 'Z' not in params %}
    {% if home_all or 'X' in params %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if home_all or 'Y' in params %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if home_all or 'Z' in params %}
      G1 X175 Y175 F12000  ## Change this.  Should home to the z endstop pin if you don't use TAP.  Also, this is for a Voron 2.4 350.  
      G28 Z   ## Home Z
      G1 Z10 F1200
    {% endif %}