Rapido 2 Toolhead: Orientation in README.md not correct.
Laikulo opened this issue · 3 comments
The supported orientation in the markdown file at STLs/Stealthburner/Printheads/phaetus_rapido_v2/README.md indicates that the grub screw should be at 4:30, and the wires at 12:00, with the screwhole nearest the wires at 12:30, however this orientation does not align the screwholes.
I found that the wires at 12:00, screw at 7:30 with the hole nearest the wires at 11:30 when viewed from the top (the face with the four holes as indicated.
This is actually going to be user error. I misinterpreted the note about the orientation being different for the v2, and was unsure what figure to use. I just wound up testing all three orientations
Actually, aligning the grub screw with the wires (as pictured) is not the correct alignment. The correct alighment is the one not pictured in either diagram...