Cracks on top bolts on [a]tap_center_r6
SinisterRj opened this issue · 4 comments
Trying to debug some ressonance issues on my printer I was checking the overal boolts torques and accidentaly break this piece. But looking at it, I felt that this part is verry week at this point, with only 3 walls from here the bolts make contact to the end of the part. I was able to increase this number to 5 without reducing the clearences to the other parts. And in my modification I was abble to cincundate the entire rail carrige, also increasing the stiffness of the part a little bit. The new part is printed and it is working on my printer.
Hi. Could you please provide what material and color the part was printed in?
It was printed in Dental White ABS MG94 from GTMax3D (a brasilian 3d printer manufacturer and one of the best filaments in Brazil)
unfortunately white filaments are known to be less robust compared to their equivalent darker colored counterparts due to the colorants needed for getting white filament.
Yes, I know. The new part I printed on black. But, anyway, it gave me an opportunity to improve a weak point of the part.