
Elixir library to persist Ecto records and changesets in Google Spreadsheets.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Elixir library to persist Ecto records and changesets in Google Spreadsheets.

This library is based on elixir_google_spreadsheets on a transport layer, which relies on Google Cloud API v4 and uses Google Service Accounts to manage it's content.


  1. Use elixir_google_spreadsheets setup instructions to set Google Spreadsheet access.
  2. Add {:ecto_gss, "~> 0.3"} to mix.exs under deps function (may also need to add :elixir_google_spreadsheets in your extra_applications list).
  3. Run mix deps.get && mix deps.compile.


Configure Ecto schema by a provided sample:

defmodule Account do
    use EctoGSS.Schema, {
        columns: ["A", "Y"]
    use Ecto.Schema

    @schema_prefix "1h85keViqbRzgTN245gEw5s9roxpaUtT7i-mNXQtT8qQ"

    schema "List3" do
        field :nickname, EctoGSS.Schema.List3.A
        field :email, EctoGSS.Schema.List3.Y
  • spreadsheet is an id of Google spreadsheet which is used as storage file, can be passed as @schema_prefix;
  • list is the name of spreadsheet list where values will be stored (tested only with latin and numeric names), can be passed as schema name;
  • columns are the list of Google spreadsheet columns which are used to map a schema values;

Type for each schema column will be generated automatically, based on a provided config values, in a format like EctoGSS.Schema.[LIST].[COLUMN].

Keep in mind that :id is used as a system field to store row index information, if you need secure identifier, it's recommended to add :uid column and generate it explicitly, for instance with elixir-uuid library.

Ignore rows

All rows where the first column is equal to !! are ignored and considered comments.


When you schema is properly defined, use EctoGSS.Repo to work with the supported operations:

  • EctoGSS.Repo.get(Account, id)
  • EctoGSS.Repo.all(Account, start_id: 5, end_id: 10)
  • EctoGSS.Repo.all(Account, rows: [1, 3, 5])
  • EctoGSS.Repo.insert(changeset)
  • EctoGSS.Repo.update(changeset)
  • EctoGSS.Repo.insert_or_update(changeset)
  • EctoGSS.Repo.delete(record)

Banged operations are also available, check the hex docs for the full list of a supported operations.


  • This library is in it's early beta, use on your own risk. Pull requests / reports / feedback are welcome.