
Simple nagios plugin for monitoring critical updates on host

Primary LanguageShell


Simple nagios plugin for monitoring critical updates on host

Assuming you have installed it into


#Define new command (for example by amending commands.cfg)

define command {

command_name check_criticalupdates

command_line /etc/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugin-criticalupdates/check_critical


#Define service to check on concrete host. Enjoy!

define service {

    use                             generic-service         ; Name of service
    host_name                       localhost
    service_description             Security updates pending
    check_command           check_criticalupdates

#Installation on remote host:

On remote host:

  1. Install npre server

sudo apt-get install nagios-nrpe-server

sudo gedit /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg

modify allowed_hosts to include main nagios address

allowed_hosts =,

  1. Install security updates checker from https://github.com/Voronenko/nagios-plugin-criticalupdates

Next steps assume, that you don’t want git installed:

cd /usr/lib/nagios

sudo mkdir nagios-plugin-criticalupdates

cd nagios-plugin-criticalupdates/

sudo touch check_criticalupdates.sh

sudo gedit check_criticalupdates.sh

copy contents of the file https://raw.github.com/Voronenko/nagios-plugin-criticalupdates/master/check_criticalupdates.sh and save

sudo chmod +x check_criticalupdates.sh

  1. Register security update checker command in /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg


  1. Restart nagios nrpe server

sudo service nagios-nrpe-server restart