
Raytracing written in rust... but on a gameboy >:3

Primary LanguageRust


A raytracer... on a gameboy

(but it's a wip)


Well why not, 'nuff said.

Not a good enough answer?

I saw someone else made a raytracer but it was somewhat bad, i wanted one that looked nice so i made this :3

... Really tho know others have written ones before that look nice tbh i am just bored. Sue me lol


To the extent possible under law, Kali/Wintersys/Vortetty has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to GBA RTX. This work is published from: United States.

Why would i do this?

Why not lmao, really though this is just a side project, i stand to gain nothing from this and a public license is the best way to do it. This is the closest i can get to public domain that works in 99.99999% of places so, y'all enjoy it :3

As always, credits are appreciated on redistributions/forks, but ultimately if you don't add them or even pass it off as your own work, i cannot stop you, nor do i want to. All i can say is should you do the latter you may damage your integrity.

It would also be cool to see any forks or otherwise also released under CC0 as opposed to public domain, which is not what most think. Another good alternative if you want to retain rights would be the extremely permissive licenses such as the MIT license.

Below is a list of licenses i recommend against using both here and elsewhere with links to why:

The above requests have no legal obligation or otherwise, and you are free to do as you wish. Following them would only garner some appreciation from me, but the value of that is up to you.



You will need the following installed in order to build and run this project:

  • A recent version of rustup. See the rust website for instructions for your operating system
  • arm-none-eabi-binutils for assembling and linking
    • Windows: GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain. Make sure you select "Add path to environment variable" during the install
    • Debian and derivatives (e.g. Ubuntu, raspberry pi OS, linux mint): sudo apt install binutils-arm-none-eabi
    • Arch linux and derivatives: sudo pacman -S arm-none-eabi-binutils

You will also want to install an emulator. The best support in agb is with mgba, with println! support via agb::println! but any emulator should work. You'll get the best experience if mgba-qt is in your PATH.

If you want to run your game on real hardware, you will also need to install agb-gbafix which you can do after installing rust with the following: cargo install agb-gbafix. This is not required if you are only running your game in an emulator.

Running in an emulator

Once you have the prerequisites installed, you should be able to build using

cargo build

or in release mode (recommended for the final version to ship to players)

cargo build --release

The resulting file will be in target/thumbv4t-none-eabi/debug/<your game> or target/thumbv4t-none-eabi/release/<your game> depending on whether you did a release or debug build.

If you have mgba-qt in your path, you will be able to run your game with

cargo run

or in release mode

cargo run --release

Shipping a .gba file for real hardware

To make a game run on real hardware, you will need to convert the built file into a file suitable for running on the real thing.

First build the binary in release mode using the instructions above, then do the following:

agb-gbafix target/thumbv4t-none-eabi/release/<your game> -o <your game>.gba