
A lib manager for 1-file libs

Primary LanguageShell


A mananger for my libraries. You can pull libs, update libs, and ... erm... that's it.


usage: vlibman [-g] [-h|--help] action [action args:]
  -g : global: operate on a global instance instead of first instance found in tree.
  -h : help  : display this help
  init    : Does nothing, but usefull to install only.
  pull    : Get a lib. Use the lib's name, or it's id using id=<id>. Asks which lib to pull when multiple libs with the same name exist.
  search  : Search the libs index. Searches all fields, and displays name, description, and language in a nice table.
  refresh : Download the latest libs index
  reinit  : deletes .vlibman directory, and reruns installation.
 error codes:
  0: no errors
  1: user error
  2: system error
  anything else: please make a bug report, that shouldn't happen!
 If no valid .vlibman directory was found in the current directory or any of its parent, the user is prompted if vlibman should install one.


Just put vlibman.sh somewhere in your path (like ~/.local/bin) as vlibman and make it executable, then just do a vlibman init in a project folder.