Buildout for VoteIT core development

NOTE: This is the previous version of VoteIT that isn't maintained. It's only kept here as a public archive. The code for the current version of VoteIT (version 4) might not be published yet if you haven't found it here.

Development instructions for VoteIT. You need to have:

VoteIT manual:

Getting the code & building the server

As a normal user, type the following to fetch the code from or repository:

To clone the current repository

git clone git://

Go into the directory

cd voteit_devel_buildout

If you don't have commit rights to the VoteIT repositories, you might need to change the [sources] urls in buildout.cfg

Install a copy of Python so we don't mess with the system Python. Also upgrade the local pip and setuptools

virtualenv . -ppython2.7 source bin/activate pip install --upgrade setuptools pip

Install buildout and run bootstrap process. See for more info.

pip install zc.buildout buildout

Have a cup of [tea|coffee]... As buildout runs, it will fetch the voteit.core package and put it in the src directory

Running the development server

To start the server.

pserve etc/development.ini

After a few seconds, it should display something like:

serving on view at

Have fun!

...and remember, never ever use the development version for something serious!