
Ovsyukov.online website



  • npm install, install required dependencies



  • pages TSX, all pages of the site
  • components TSX, react components
  • public Typescript, static files
  • lib Typescript, shared utilities
  • types Typescript, type definitions

Built with

## Scripts

- `npm run dev` - start a development server with hot reload.
- `npm run build` - build for production. The generated files will be on the `dist` folder.
- `npm run preview` - locally preview the production build.
- `npm run test` - run unit and integration tests related to changed files based on git.
- `npm run test:ci` - run all unit and integration tests in CI mode.
- `npm run test:e2e` - run all e2e tests with the Cypress Test Runner.
- `npm run test:e2e:headless` - run all e2e tests headlessly.
- `npm run format` - format all files with Prettier.
- `npm run lint` - runs TypeScript, ESLint and Stylelint.
- `npm run validate` - runs `lint`, `test:ci` and `test:e2e:ci`.