VF i18n
Internationalization utilities used in VoxFeed.
yarn add vf-i18n
npm install --save vf-i18n
Require the module in your project and instantiate a i18n class.
const VFi18n = require('vf-i18n');
const i18n = new VFi18n();
Optionally you can pass the following parameters to the constructor:
Parameter | Type | Description |
strings |
Object | An object containing all the translations available, grouped by each supported locale. |
onMissingString |
Function | A function that is called everytime a requested translation is not available in strings for a given locale . An object with locale and key is passed on each call. |
fallbackLocales |
Array[String] | If a translation is not available in a specific locale , then if fallbackLocales are specified the library will try to find a translation in one of those locales (from first to last). First translation available is returned. |
const VFi18n = require('vf-i18n');
const strings = {
en: {
GREETING: 'Hello {name}!',
THANKS: 'Thank you',
BYE: 'Good bye!'
es: {
GREETING: '¡Hola {name}!',
THANKS: 'Gracias'
de: {
GREETING: 'Hallo {name}!',
THANKS: 'Danke'
it: {
GREETING: 'Ciao {name}!',
THANKS: 'Grazie'
const fallbackLocales = ['en']; // If not found in specified locale, will fallback to English.
const onMissingString = ({locale, key}) => {
console.log(`String not found for locale "${locale}" and key "${key}"`);
const i18n = new VFi18n({
i18n.get('es', 'THANKS'); // Gracias
i18n.get('it', 'BYE'); // Will return "Good bye!" (fallback).
i18n.get('de', 'MISSING_KEY'); // Will call onMissingString({locale: 'de', key: 'MISSING_KEY'}) and return "" (default string).
Once instantiated, the library exposes the following API:
.get(locale, key, data)
Returns a translation string for a given locale
and key
combination. It uses messageformat internally, so every formatting option supported by messageformat (plurals, categories, variables...) is also supported by this function.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
key |
String | Required. The key identifying the string to be translated. |
data |
Object | Options and variables to be passed to the formatter. |
i18n.get('it', 'THANKS'); // Grazie
i18n.get('es', 'GREETING', {name: 'Morty'}); // ¡Hola Morty!
.getDate(locale, date, format, timezone)
Returns a localized date string. It uses Moment Localized formats internally, so available formats are mapped to one Moment format.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
date |
Date | Required. The date to be formatted. |
format |
String | Required. The style used to format the date string. Available formats are: short , medium , long and full . |
timezone |
String | Time zone name, used to convert the date prior to formatting. Defaults to UTC. |
Format | Moment Format | Example |
short |
L |
10/14/2017 |
medium |
ll |
Oct 14, 2017 |
long |
LL |
October 14, 2017 |
full |
Saturday, October 14, 2017 |
const date = new Date(2017, 9, 14);
i18n.getDate('en', date, 'short'); // 10/14/2017
i18n.getDate('en', date, 'long', 'America/Los_Angeles'); // October 14, 2017
.getTime(locale, date, format, timezone)
Returns a localized time string. It uses Moment Localized formats internally, so available formats are mapped to one Moment format.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
date |
Date | Required. The date to be formatted (only time is used). |
format |
String | Required. The style used to format the time. Available formats are: short , medium , long and full . |
timezone |
String | Time zone name, used to convert the time prior to formatting. Defaults to UTC. |
Format | Moment Format | Example |
short |
LT |
6:30 PM |
medium |
6:30:05 PM |
long |
6:30:05 PM |
full |
LTS z |
6:30:05 PM CDT |
const date = new Date('2017-10-14T18:30:05.000Z');
i18n.getTime('en', date, 'short'); // 6:30:05 PM
i18n.getTime('en', date, 'long', 'Asia/Tokyo'); // 3:30:05 AM JST
.getDateTime(locale, date, format, timezone)
Returns a localized date-time string. It uses Moment Localized formats internally, so available formats are mapped to one Moment format.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
date |
Date | Required. The date-time to be formatted. |
format |
String | Required. The style used to format the date-time. Available formats are: short , medium , long and full . |
timezone |
String | Time zone name, used to convert the date-time prior to formatting. Defaults to UTC. |
Format | Moment Format | Example |
short |
L LT |
10/14/2017 6:30 PM |
medium |
lll |
Oct 14, 2017 6:30 PM |
long |
October 14, 2017 6:30 PM |
full |
Sunday, October 15, 2017 3:30 AM |
const date = new Date('2017-10-14T18:30:05.000Z');
i18n.getDateTime('en', date, 'short'); // 10/14/2017 6:30 PM
i18n.getDateTime('en', date, 'long', 'Asia/Tokyo'); // October 14, 2017 6:30 PM
.getDuration(locale, duration)
For a given time duration in milliseconds, returns a human-readable localized string. It uses Moment Duration Humanize internally.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
duration |
Integer | Required. Time duration in milliseconds. |
const ONE_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000;
i18n.getDuration('en', 5 * ONE_HOUR); // 5 hours
i18n.getDuration('en', 24 * ONE_HOUR); // a day
.getRelativeTime(locale, date, style, units, fromDate)
For a given date, returns the distance in time from now (or other specific date) as a human-readable localized string. It uses Yahoo's Intl RelativeFormat internally.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
date |
Date | Required. The first date to calculate the distance in time. |
style |
String | Formatting style. Available styles are: best fit and numeric (see more). Defaults to best fit . |
units |
String | Whether to force the string to use a specific time unit. Available units are: second , second-short , minute , minute-short , hour , hour-short , day , day-short , month , month-short , year and year-short (see more). |
fromDate |
Date | The second date to calculate the distance in time. Defaults to new Date() . |
const ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const date1 = new Date(Date.now() + ONE_DAY);
const date2 = new Date(Date.now() + 7 * ONE_DAY);
i18n.getRelativeTime('en', date1); // tomorrow
i18n.getRelativeTime('en', date1, 'numeric'); // in 1 day
i18n.getRelativeTime('en', date1, 'numeric', date2); // 6 days ago
.getTimeInterval(locale, date, fromDate)
Returns a human-readable localized string for the duration between 2 dates. It uses .getDuration
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
date |
Date | Required. The first date to calculate the duration. |
fromDate |
Date | The second date to calculate the duration. Defaults to new Date() . |
const ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const date1 = new Date(Date.now() + ONE_DAY); // Date in future
const date2 = new Date(Date.now() - ONE_DAY); // Date in past
i18n.getTimeInterval('en', date1); // a day
i18n.getTimeInterval('en', date2); // a day
i18n.getTimeInterval('en', date1, date2); // 2 days
.getNumber(locale, amount, decimals)
It returns a formatted number string. It uses Intl.NumberFormat internally.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
amount |
Number | Required. Number to be formatted. |
decimals |
Integer | Number of decimals. Defaults to 0. |
i18n.getNumber('en', 1234.56); // 1,235
i18n.getNumber('en', 1, 5); // 1.00000
.getMoney(locale, amount, currency)
It returns a formatted currency string, always rounded to 2 decimals. It uses Intl.NumberFormat internally.
Parameter | Type | Description |
locale |
String | Required. The locale in which the translation is required. |
amount |
Number | Required. Money amount to be formatted. |
currency |
String | Required. Currency ISO code (Ej. USD, EUR). It is used to print the currency and choose its symbol ($, €...). |
i18n.getMoney('en', 10, 'MXN'); // $10.00 MXN
i18n.getMoney('en', 1200.059999, 'USD'); // $1,200.06 USD