
Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

MoviWeb App

MoviWeb App is a Flask-based web application for managing user and admin accounts, movies, and user interactions. It features role-based access control, caching, and a contact form. The application uses SQLite for data storage.


  • User and Admin Registration: Separate signup routes for users and admins.
  • Login and Logout: Unified login route with role-based redirection and session management.
  • Cache Management: Simple in-memory cache configuration for development.
  • Contact Form: Allows users to send messages to support.
  • Movie Management: Admins can add, edit, delete, and manage movies.
  • Favorites Management: Users can manage their favorite movies.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Vrana710/MoviWeb_App.git
    cd MoviWeb_App
  2. Create a virtual environment:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the required packages:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Initialize the database:

    flask db upgrade


  • Database: Uses SQLite. The database file is located in the db directory.
  • Secret Key: Set in the Flask app configuration for session management.
  • Cache: Configured with a simple in-memory cache for development.

Running the Application

To start the Flask development server:

python3 app.py  
flask run

The application will be available at


User Routes

  • Home (/): Displays the home page.
  • About (/about): Displays information about the application.
  • Favorites (/favorites): Shows a list of favorite movies.
  • Movies (/movies): Lists available movies.
  • Contact (/contact): Provides a form for users to send messages.
  • Signup User (/signup_user): User registration form.
  • Login (/login): Login page for both users and admins.
  • Logout (/logout): Logs out the current user or admin.
  • Dashboard (/dashboard): Displays the user dashboard with latest movies.
  • My Movies (/my_movies): Lists movies that are not in the user's favorites.
  • User Favorites (/user_favorites): Lists favorite movies of the user.
  • Add to Favorites (/add_to_favorites/<int:movie_id>): Adds a movie to the user's favorites.
  • Remove from Favorites (/remove_from_favorites/<int:movie_id>): Removes a movie from the user's favorites.
  • Add Movie (/user_add_movie): Form to add a new movie (for users).
  • User Profile (/user_profile): Displays user profile information.

Admin Routes

  • Admin Dashboard (/admin_dashboard): Displays the admin dashboard.
  • Add User (/add_user): Form to register a new user.
  • Edit User (/edit_user/<int:user_id>): Form to edit user details.
  • Delete User (/delete_user/<int:user_id>): Deletes a user.
  • Manage Users (/manage_users): Lists all users.
  • Add Movie (/add_movie): Form to add a new movie.
  • Edit Movie (/edit_movie/<int:movie_id>): Form to edit movie details.
  • Delete Movie (/delete_movie/<int:movie_id>): Deletes a movie.
  • Manage Movies (/manage_movies): Lists all movies.
  • Reports (/reports): Displays user and movie count reports.

API Endpoints

Admin API

  • /admin_dashboard: GET - View the admin dashboard.
  • /add_user: POST - Register a new user.
  • /edit_user/<int:user_id>: POST - Update user details.
  • /delete_user/<int:user_id>: POST - Delete a user.
  • /manage_users: GET - List all users.
  • /add_movie: POST - Add a new movie to the database.
  • /edit_movie/<int:movie_id>: POST - Update movie details.
  • /delete_movie/<int:movie_id>: POST - Delete a movie.
  • /manage_movies: GET - List all movies.
  • /reports: GET - View user and movie count reports.

User API

  • /dashboard: GET - View the user dashboard with the latest movies.
  • /my_movies: GET - List movies not in the user's favorites.
  • /user_favorites: GET - List favorite movies of the user.
  • /add_to_favorites/<int:movie_id>: POST - Add a movie to the user's favorites.
  • /remove_from_favorites/<int:movie_id>: POST - Remove a movie from the user's favorites.
  • /user_add_movie: GET, POST - Add a new movie (for users).
  • /user_profile: GET - View the user's profile information.


  • Cache: Configured with a simple in-memory cache for development purposes.
  • Logging: Basic logging configuration is set up for debugging.


The application uses the "Forty" template by HTML5 UP.

  • Template: Forty by HTML5 UP
  • Website: html5up.net
  • License: Free for personal and commercial use under the CCA 3.0 license (html5up.net/license)
  • Author: @ajlkn


Watch the demo video of the MoviWeb App here.


Alternatively, you can view the video directly in the browser here.

Note: If you are not able to see the video, you may need to download it to view it properly.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at ranavarsha710@gmail.com.