
Mini project worked on for the course: Data and Applications

Functional Requirements Implemented

  1. Search for Alumni of a college
  2. Add a new job to the market
  3. Find projects by field
  4. Check eligibility of a person for a job
  5. Find all jobs for which the person is eligibile

We did these while maintaining ACID properties as well We implemented Application Constraints as well!!

Commands for setup

Start docker service sudo service docker start

Download Docker image for mysql sudo docker pull mysql/mysql-server:latest

Verify that the image is stored correctly sudo docker images

Deploy the container sudo docker run --name=only-jobs -d mysql/mysql-server:latest

To check if the image is running correctly docker ps

apt-get install mysql-client sudo dnf install mysql-client

To get credentials sudo docker logs mysql_docker

From the above command Generated root password /?6jggxb61H06_Mb8F4WT&O?ap#7=gw_

To run SQL bash sudo docker exec -it only-jobs bash

In SQL bash, mysql -uroot -p

Then paste the above password

To change password ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'only-jobs-secure-password';

New Password only-jobs-secure-password

In SQL prompt create database test_db; use test_db; CREATE TABLE test_table (userId INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, firstName VARCHAR(20), lastName VARCHAR(20));

Creating a new user CREATE USER 'newuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_db.* to 'newuser'@'%'; Instead of specifying an ip address, we use '%'. This is to allow remote connection from anywhere via user newuser.

Create a python environment virtualenv venv source ./env/bin/activate

In the virtual environment pip install pymysql

To create the requirements.txt file pip freeze > requirements.txt

docker run -p 13306:3306 --name only-jobs-official -eMYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=only-jobs-secure-password -d mysql:latest


use jobs_db;

CREATE TABLE test_table (userId INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, firstName VARCHAR(20), lastName VARCHAR(20)); CREATE USER 'newuser'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'newpassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON jobs_db.* to 'newuser'@'%';

To create dump file for db docker exec CONTAINER_ID /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=only-jobs-secure-password jobs_db > only_jobs_dump.sql

Changes made to the data model

  • Some things had to be changed to keep things consistent -
  • Added CGPA column to Minimum_Job_Requirements
  • Added Number_of_Years column to Work_Experience
  • The column Affiliated in Project is not needed since this is captured in the relation Associated_With
  • The column Departments is not needed since this is captured in the Department table
  • Removed Department_Id in Institute_Departments and made Department_Name as part of the primary key. This way there is no ambiguity between an Institute's department (like IBM's Research Department) and an Educational Institute's Department (like MIT's Quantum Department)
  • In hindsight we should not have made a strict distinction between Educational Institutes and Institutes. That complicated things by a lot.
  • Initially, Department_Works_on_Project was created because Institute_Department's attribute - Project_Id was multivalued. For now we have removed the table Department_Works_on_Project and kept Project_Id in Institute_Department (which will be single valued)
  • Job_Id in Person was removed, because that relation gets handled by Associated_With
  • Added Min_CGPA to Minimum_Job_Requirements


  • Maintaining ACID properties

Queries to Test

Feature 4 - Check Eligibility Person ID: 1111 Job ID: 4001 Output should be true