
Programming a pipelined ALU on a ARM Cortex M4 Basys3 board

Primary LanguageVHDL


Programming a pipelined ALU on a ARM Cortex M4 Basys3 board

PIPELINED ALU IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT We have implemented a 3 stage pipeline, which includes the

  1. Instruction fetch stage
  2. Arithmetic and Logic stage
  3. Memory Write-back stage It aims at increasing the throughput of the system, which without pipelining takes 15 clock cycles for executing 5 instructions, while only 9 clock cycles with pipelining. We have used the ARM7TDMI instruction set architecture in the implementation. MODULES The project includes three main modules:
  4. pipeline.v - the main module which controls the Program counter and invokes the rest of the modules.
  5. if_decode_module.v - the module takes the 32-bit instruction and decodes it, according to the encoding scheme used (according to ARM7TDMI ISA).
  6. alu_module.v - the module executes the operation on the operands provided and generates the result Other modules:
  7. clk_divider.v - the module slows down the clock at which the FPGA performs so that the output is perceptible to the human eye.
  8. seg7decimal.v - it maps the hexadecimal output to the 7 segment display on the FPGA
  9. pipeline_tb.v - the module provided a set of inputs to the pipeline module to simulate the output and performance. ARM7TDMI


  • It controls the program counter
  • When reset is triggered, PC goes to 0
  • Otherwise, PC is incremented on every clock tick
  • It picks the instruction and invokes the If_decode stage with it
  • It receives the decoded instruction and passes to the ALU module for execution.
  • It receives the result from the ALU stage and writes it back to the memory on the clock tick
  • Note: The memory write-back stage is not implemented as a separate module but it is invoked on the clock tick and so it behaves like a separate module in the pipeline.
  • The dependencies - the cases when the data is being read from and written in the same register, ambiguity may arise
  • To tackle the problem, we have implemented a dependency detector, which accordingly decides the value to be passed to the ALU stage and the write-back stage writes at the negative edge of the clock while the reading operation is performed at the positive edge.


  • It takes the 32-bit long instruction and breaks it down into pieces.
  • It then assigns the values to the respective variables which are then passed to the pipeline module.


  • It takes the operands and the opcode value from the pipeline module
  • It then checks whether the operand 2 is an immediate value or taken from a register
  • It checks whether the instruction has a dependency or not, and accordingly passes the value read from the register or directly from the processed output of the ALU module of the last instruction.
  • It can perform the following 16 operations on the operands:
  1. AND - bitwise AND operation
  2. EOR - bitwise exclusive OR operation
  3. SUB - arithmetic subtraction operation
  4. RSB - reverse subtract operation (i.e. operand 2 - operand 1)
  5. ADD - addition operation
  6. ADC - addition operation with a carry bit
  7. SBC - subtraction operation with a borrow bit
  8. RSC - reverse subtract with the borrow bit
  9. TST - set condition codes on AND operation, i.e. it would be performed conditionally
  10. TEQ - set condition codes on EOR operation, i.e. it would be performed conditionally
  11. CMP - set condition codes on subtraction operation, i.e. it would be performed conditionally
  12. CMN - set condition codes on addition operation, i.e. it would be performed conditionally
  13. ORR - bitwise OR operation
  14. MOV - returns the second operand
  15. BIC - operand 1 AND (not operand 2)
  16. MVN - returns the negation of operand 2
  • It then updates the nzcv flag - (negative, zero, carry generated, overflow)
  • It also maintains an is_write flag which determines, whether the result is to be written in the memory or not.

Write Back Stage:

  • This is responsible for the memory write operation
  • After the completion of the calculation stage - ALU execution
  • To ensure unambiguity (When an update and read instructions are executed simultaneously)
  1. Read at the negative edge of the clock
  2. Write at the positive edge of the clock